
Handcrafted Jewelry Business Plan Presentation

Free Google Slides theme, PowerPoint template, and Canva presentation template

What does it take to bring a product to success? Well, a lot of hard work and effort and also having creative resources at your disposal to organize the work. Let's take an example. Your product is a handcrafted jewelry brand. You have made a business plan, in which you have analyzed the market where your product fits, you have prepared the marketing plan, the operations and management plan and you have established the budget for everything you need. All this represents the work. Now there is the creative resource, for example an elegant template in which to include all this information, make it clearer and more visual and be able to present it to colleagues or investors. Then use this template with blue stains as decoration that includes all the sections of a business plan!

Features of this template

  • 100% editable and easy to modify
  • 37 different slides to impress your audience
  • Contains easy-to-edit graphics such as graphs, maps, tables, timelines and mockups
  • Includes 500+ icons and Flaticon’s extension for customizing your slides
  • Designed to be used in Google Slides, Canva, and Microsoft PowerPoint
  • 16:9 widescreen format suitable for all types of screens
  • Includes information about fonts, colors, and credits of the resources used

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