
Global Recycling Day at School Infographics

Free Google Slides theme, PowerPoint template, and Canva presentation template

There’s always more to say about recycling, and we in Slidesgo don’t want you to run out of designs to include in your presentation, so we have prepared this set of infographics that look just like the presentation Global Recycling Day at School. If you want to foster recycling among your students, maybe creating a competition or some games will help you. With these designs you can first show them how recycling works, and then make them check how ecofriendly their lifestyle is. It will open their eyes!

Features of these infographics

  • 100% editable and easy to modify
  • 32 different infographics to boost your presentations
  • Include icons and Flaticon’s extension for further customization
  • Designed to be used in Google Slides, Canva, and Microsoft PowerPoint and Keynote
  • 16:9 widescreen format suitable for all types of screens
  • Include information about how to edit and customize your infographics
  • Supplemental infographics for the template Global Recycling Day at School

Combines with:

This template can be combined with this other one to create the perfect presentation:

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