Startup Presentation templates

Begin a new business adventure with our free Startup templates and themes for Google Slides and PowerPoint. Customize them to make a presentation capable of attracting new investors and clients.

Cool Startup Business Plan

Testing the waters with your startup? It's going to be a great business and everyone will see it! To get off on the right foot, try devising a business plan that makes sense and translate it into a presentation so it's more visual and potential investors understand your ideas. The...

Marketplace Startup Pitch Deck

Alright, there’s a fair number of marketplaces already around, but surely a new, well thought-out one with a niche concept can still be a successful business! You think so too? Great! You take care of your startup, we take care of the pitch deck - the design, that is, the...

Minimal Startup Business Pitch Deck

They say that beginnings are not easy... That is why at Slidesgo we want to help you take the first steps of your business. We bring you a pitch deck presentation for your startup that will get your company off the ground. Designed for Google Slides and PowerPoint, this template...

Startup Inspiration Black

Is an important presentation due soon? Whether you’re preparing for a business meeting or looking forward to explaining the latest progress made in your research, this template is pure elegance

General Pitch Deck

One of the things that you need when embarking yourself on a new business is attracting investors, customers and people in general who would want to believe in your project. If you have a startup and want to begin walking in the right direction, this new free pitch deck template...

Simple Pitch Deck Minitheme

Give your pitch decks a new modern touch with this minitheme from Slidesgo. It has a simple, yet sophisticated design that works perfect with business subjects and it includes lots of resources that are very useful to represent economic data: maps, graphs, infographics… Using this template will make preparing your...

Cool Startup Business Plan Infographics

Your startup business is ready to see the world! Now it’s time to create the perfect presentation to convince everyone about your business plan. Did you know that infographics have the great ability to display information very clearly in your presentations? Maybe you’re already using the original Cool Startup Business...

Mindfulness Pitch Deck

Relaxing one’s mind and body to cope with everyday life can be helpful, but how can you get people to do that? There’s an interesting way: a mobile app! Give a successful pitch deck using our new free template, created especially for startups, and spread the practice of yoga and...

Motivation for Entrepreneurs: History of Garage Startups

We all start somewhere. Even the biggest companies began only with a dream and a couple of friends working towards a goal. Do you remember how big tech companies like Apple, Microsoft or Amazon started? With this creative, modern template you can speak about how they took their companies to...

Minimalist Grayscale Project Proposal

If you have a business idea and need a good presentation to go with it, this project proposal template is just what you are looking for. It has a formal and serious style, with gray as the main color, which gives it versatility. And to make it dynamic we have...

We Are Digital

It’s time to advertise your digital company with this presentation full of gradients. Talk about your company, provide data, edit its maps and work with tables and timelines. Get ready to succeed!

Marketing Action Plan

Having a persuasive marketing action plan can make all the difference when it comes to getting a business off the ground, and this template can help you make yours a winner! Its retro 8-bit style typeface is hip in a post-modern sort of way, and its visual palette combining orange...

MBA: Business Master's Degree

An MBA is a universally recognized postgraduate degree for those with an aptitude for business and finance. Budgeting, marketing, and management are just some of the fields you'll be an expert in, ready to take on the high-stakes world of business. We have a professional template that, besides being suitable...
