Search results for celebrity

Here you have 21 templates based on your search of celebrity. Enjoy them!

Celebrities and Political Activism Thesis

Celebrities have the power to share ideas with lots of people at the same time and be heard. They are rolemodels for lots of people and can shape the overall ideas of entire social groups. That’s why they have the responsibility to do activism for movements that try to improve...

Day of the Dead Celebration Social Media Strategy

Día de Muertos, or Day of the Dead, is an annual celebration in Mexico that takes place on November 1st and 2nd. This vibrant and colorful celebration is a time for families to gather and pay homage to loved ones who have passed away. That's right, this commemoration is a...

Influencer IG Stories to Celebrate US National Dog Day

August 26 is US National Dog Day and as an influencer this is a date that you cannot miss. We present this colorful and original template with which you can structure your Instagram stories and beat the algorithm. Download it and discover all the resources you need to tell your...

Artisan Brand Celebrating National Leathercraft Day in Social Media

Leathercraft is the art of making leather goods, ranging from wallets to handbags, shoes, suitcases... It has its own national day, celebrated on August 15 and aims to recognize the work of these artisans. If you want to pay them your particular tribute, we bring you a template with numerous...

IG Post to Celebrate World Peace Day

World Peace Day takes place annually on September 21st and is dedicated to strengthening international peace and security around the world. It was declared by the United Nations General Assembly in 1982 to honor the principles of peace enshrined in its Charter, as well as foster peaceful solutions to global...

Let's Celebrate Friendship Day in Social Media - IG Stories

Did you know that the 30th of July is international friendship day? Then how about celebrating this day by sharing IG stories about friendship? You can make a perfect strategy with this template where you can analyze your followers, set goals, organize a schedule for your social media content, and...

IG Giveaway Posts to Celebrate Embrace Your Geekness Day

Someone at Slidesgo has such a big collection of trading cards that, if that person built a tower by placing all of their cards on top of each other, it would be more than 10 meters tall! Such is the level of geekness here, so we're sure you too have...

Beauty Influencer IG Stories to Celebrate International Lace Bow Day

If you’re a beauty influencer, it’s never too early to start planning how you’ll celebrate Lace Bow Day. This Instagram Stories template has everything you need to post some interesting content. Photos, lists, charts, colorful decorations… no matter what your approach is, you can make it happen by customizing and...

IG Stories Campaign to Celebrate International Tiger Day in Social Media

It is the day of the tiger! How are you going to celebrate? Is this creative template full of illustrations and fun designs for your Instagram Stories in your plans? Your followers will be thrilled to take a look at your content when you post it with such an eye-catching...

Let's Celebrate World Lizard Day on Social Media - IG Posts

Did you know that there are around 3,000 different species of lizards? These reptiles can be as small as a few millimeters and as large as three meters, as is the case of the Komodo dragon. They have a great sense of smell and have the ability to shed their...

Celebrating Black History Month IG Stories

Black History Month is celebrated in February, remembering and honoring the events and the people of the African diaspora. Since social media are quite powerful when it comes to conveying information quickly and reaching to as many people as possible, we have released this new template, whose format is optimized...

Social Media IG Stories to Celebrate World Tourism Day

“Look, he’s in Brazil! Wow, she’s in Paris! How did they afford going to China?” If you have ever said something like this watching IG stories about people traveling, you must have experienced Instagram at its best purpose: showing off the perfect vacation. Whether you have felt a little bit...

Social Media IG Posts to Celebrate US' National First Love Day

If your company offers products or services related to love, US' National First Love Day is a date that you cannot miss to promote your business on your Instagram account. For you to commemorate this date and take advantage of it, we have designed this cute illustrated template with which...

Stories Post
Celebrating Social Media Day

Since humans spend a lot of time on social media, it was inevitable: they had to have their own day! June 30 is Social Media Day, with the aim of promoting the impact of these platforms on how we communicate with each other. You might want to publish something special...

Thanksgiving Celebration IG Square Post

Thanksgiving is just around the corner! What would you like to be thankful for this year? We can give thanks with awesome templates like the one we're bringing you, specially designed for Instagram posts. With the format ready just for you to post to your Instagram profile, you can present...

In Memoriam of Celebrities for IG Posts

Celebrities are part of our universe and when they die we feel the need to honor their memory in gratitude for their lives. Make a tribute through your Instagram account to your favorite celebrities using this sophisticated and appropriate template with which you can easily customize your posts and get...

Social Media IG Stories to Celebrate US' National First Love Day

First love is never forgotten: the nerves, the excitement, the butterflies in the stomach.... And that's why there is even a day dedicated to it, September 18. What better way to celebrate it than through social networks. For that purpose, we've created this template in Instagram stories format, with a...

Celebrate LBGT Day for Social Media

Pride month is always an exciting time, but do you find yourself feeling a little lost on how to celebrate all the important dates related to LGBTQ+ rights and visibility? Don't worry, dear friend! With this fun template, you can plan and organize your upcoming social media posts with rainbow-infused...
