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Here you have 73 templates based on your search of popular. Enjoy them!

Greenery-Palette Pitch Deck Infographics

Download the Greenery-Palette Pitch Deck Infographics presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides. Whether you're an entrepreneur looking for funding or a sales professional trying to close a deal, a great pitch deck can be the difference-maker that sets you apart from the competition. Let your talent shine out thanks to...

Ancient History of China Thesis Infographics

This infographics template about the history of China is perfect for a thesis on the subject. With stunning watercolor-style illustrations of vegetation as decoration and an elegant and understated design, they provide a wide variety of ways to present your facts and figures while keeping with the theme of Chinese...

Cottagecore Aesthetic Style Thesis Infographics

Do you need more amazing resources that convey calm, peace, tranquility to your audience while presenting your thesis? Yes! Related to this, we are talking about the Cottagecore Aesthetic Style Thesis Presentation and the aesthetic that the design is based on. Thanks to this set of infographics, you can continue...

Watercolor Dental Clinic Infographics

Download the Watercolor Dental Clinic Infographics template for PowerPoint or Google Slides and discover the power of infographics. An infographic resource gives you the ability to showcase your content in a more visual way, which will make it easier for your audience to understand your topic. Slidesgo infographics like this...

Elegant Rosé Watercolor Stains Student Pack for High School Infographics

Back to class, but French style! "Do the French start the school year in a particular and different way?" No, being honest - we just wanted to introduce this template with 100% French content. It is a set of infographics ready to combine with another one of our templates "Elegant...

Resume for Everyone Infographics

Download the Resume for Everyone Infographics template for PowerPoint or Google Slides and discover the power of infographics. An infographic resource gives you the ability to showcase your content in a more visual way, which will make it easier for your audience to understand your topic. Slidesgo infographics like this...

Winter Watercolor Campaign Infographics

So winter is here again! You know what it means… time for a new creative marketing campaign for your winter products! Have you heard of our template Winter Watercolor Campaign? If you loved it, this set of infographics are going to make you finally fall in love with Slidesgo. They...

Literary Movements and Genres - German - Foreign Language - 11th Grade Infographics

Download the "Literary Movements and Genres - German - Foreign Language - 11th Grade Infographics" template for PowerPoint or Google Slides and discover this set of editable infographics for education presentations. These resources, from graphs to tables, can be combined with other presentations or used independently. The most important thing...

Watercolor & Shapes MK Plan Infographics

It’s common knowledge that when it comes to efficiency and productivity, there’s nothing more reliable than German technology. And there’s another thing just as clear—when it comes to PowerPoint and Google Slides design, you can trust on Slidesgo. This infographics template is a compilation of charts and graphs that match...

Minimalist Aesthetic Slideshow

When you combine a minimalist design with abstract shapes and a palette composed of pastel colors, you get a successful result. This template has all of the aforementioned, plus an elegant typography and some icons of plants. It's quite unique and works for any topic, so give it a try!

Cottagecore Aesthetic Style Thesis

Close your eyes. Visualize yourself now in a meadow. The spring breeze stirs your hair and smells of roses. What sensation do you feel? Calm, peace, tranquility... Do you want to convey these feelings to your audience in your thesis presentation? Here is the perfect template to do it! The...

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Art Subject for Elementary: Visual Arts Infographics

Developing your art skills is the perfect way of digging into your creativity, your self expression and your personality. Do you remember the template Art Subject for Elementary: Visual Arts? That colorful, carefree and beautiful style is the one you will find in this set of infographics. Foster the creativity...

Global Recycling Day at School Infographics

There’s always more to say about recycling, and we in Slidesgo don’t want you to run out of designs to include in your presentation, so we have prepared this set of infographics that look just like the presentation Global Recycling Day at School. If you want to foster recycling among...

Wellness Retreat Center Infographics

Download the Wellness Retreat Center Infographics template for PowerPoint or Google Slides and discover the power of infographics. An infographic resource gives you the ability to showcase your content in a more visual way, which will make it easier for your audience to understand your topic. Slidesgo infographics like this...

Food Day Campaign Infographics

Did you have a nice Food Day last year? Do you know what's best of annual days? They come back again every year! In order to complement our "Food Day Campaign" template, here's another one full of infographics in a similar style. Some of them come with illustrations of fruit...

Self Care Products: Marketing for Spring Sales Infographics

We know that planning the strategy for the spring sales of your self-care products is not an easy task, that's why we wanted to give you a hand by creating this complete and elegant template that contains over 30 different infographics that you can customize with your figures, information and...

Cat Illustrator Portfolio Infographics

If your specialty is drawing or illustrating cats, your services are needed everywhere! You're aware of the number of people crazy about cats in the world? This cute template is full of infographics of all kinds of types, including graphs, diagrams, processes, tables and sequences! Your artistic side will be...

German Literature Thesis Infographics

Are your shelves full of Bertolt Brecht, Walter Benjamin, Hans Fallada, or Thomas Mann? Then share your passion for German literature with this beautiful vintage template full of masterpieces. The masterpieces are, of course, editable infographics! Prepare a German literature thesis defense with these incredible designs and make everyone fall...
