Search results for indian

Here you have 7 templates based on your search of indian. Enjoy them!

Indian Independence Day

The Indian Independence Day is celebrated every year on the 15th of August and it commemorates the nation’s independence from the United Kingdom. On this day, Indians honor of those who fought for their liberty, so it’s a very special day in their culture. If you want to make a...

Indian Traditional Dress Thesis

Imagine finding the right template for your thesis defense presentation on Indian traditional dress. Well, you don't have to daydream anymore because it's a reality! We know how hard you've worked to get your degree and that's why we wanted to help you by designing this eye-catching and colorful template...

Indian Winter Folk Festival: Lohri

Download the "Indian Winter Folk Festival: Lohri" presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides and start impressing your audience with a creative and original design. Slidesgo templates like this one here offer the possibility to convey a concept, idea or topic in a clear, concise and visual way, by using different...

Indian Pattern

Looking to revolutionize your presentations? Maybe a design with an original pattern? Take a look at this template! The slides include patterns inspired by Indian culture - these are very floral themes! The great thing about this template is that you can customize it 100% regardless of the theme -...

Indian National Doctor's Day

Did you know that India celebrates its National Doctor's Day on July 1? And did you know that it's held in honor of Bidhan Chandra Roy, an Indian physician and philantropist who was born on a July 1 and died on a July 1 too? He inspired new discoveries in...

Indian Freedom Fighters Thesis Defense

With the name of "freedom fighters" is how India, after acheving independence, calls the people that contributed to this feat, or campaigned against colonialism. This template in orange is a design that we think could suit the needs of someone who wants to defend a thesis or a paper on...

Happy Indian National Doctor's Day!

As the world comes together to celebrate the men and women who make a difference in our lives each and every day, we cannot help but feel a sense of pride and appreciation toward the healthcare industry. And what better way to commemorate the Indian National Doctor's Day, than with...