Search results for american indian

Here you have 5 templates based on your search of american indian. Enjoy them!

Native American Lesson

For all those teachers that need to give a lesson on the history of native Americans, this template can help you make your class more interesting. Use these slides and project them on a screen to catch your student's attention. The layouts contain examples of how to divide the lesson...

Native American Heritage Month

It was decided in 1990 that November would be the Native American Heritage Month in the United States so as to make their culture and traditions more known for everyone. In this new template, you will find some thematic patterns and decorations for the slides, as well as very legible...

Native American Studies College Major

Does everyone know what a major on Native American Studies is about? They wil surely do after you use this formal template filled with geometric and pastel decorations to speak about this degree. The 31 slides give you enough freedom to speak in depth about the subjects, exams, internships, practises,...

History Subject for High School - 11th Grade: American Roots - From Native Traditions to the American Revolution

We are back with a new template for lessons on the history of the United States! Before independence was declared, what happened and what relationships people have with native tribes? What traditions were carried over? Books talk about this in detail, so not only you can use this design for...

Native American Studies College Major Infographics

Native American history is one of the most fascinating ones. If you are lucky enough to be able to teach it in college, we present you a template that will be of great help to give a different touch to your class. Its design is modern and formal at the...
