Search results for celebrity

Here you have 34 templates based on your search of celebrity. Enjoy them!

Famous Celebrity Portfolio

Get inspired by the best of the best! This portfolio template has been designed to give you an elegant and professional look. It features a minimalist, soft, and cute design that will make an impact! Perfect for a famous celebrity or someone that wants to give off a vibe like...

Agriculture 101 for Elementary: Celebrating Build a Scarecrow Day

Download the Agriculture 101 for Elementary: Celebrating Build a Scarecrow Day presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides and easily edit it to fit your own lesson plan! Designed specifically for elementary school education, this eye-catching design features engaging graphics, and age-appropriate fonts; elements that capture the students' attention and make...

Celebrities and Political Activism Thesis

Celebrities have the power to share ideas with lots of people at the same time and be heard. They are rolemodels for lots of people and can shape the overall ideas of entire social groups. That’s why they have the responsibility to do activism for movements that try to improve...

Famous Celebrity Portfolio Infographics

While a famous celebrity may not really need a portfolio… the rest of us could certainly do with glamming up ours! This elegant, minimalistic set of infographics in light gray is here to enrich your “Famous Celebrity Portfolio” and supplies you with additional ways to present your CV, experience, skill...

Mallorca's "La Patrona in Pollença" Celebration

Pollença is a city in Mallorca that celebrates its local festival each August 2nd. Its patron saint is the Mare de Deu dels Àngels and is the focus of the celebration, although not all activities revolve around Christianity. There’s also lots of balls, typical foods, bonfires, fireworks… speak about this...

High School Activities to Celebrate National Poetry Month

Download the "High School Activities to Celebrate National Poetry Month" presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides. The education sector constantly demands dynamic and effective ways to present information. This template is created with that very purpose in mind. Offering the best resources, it allows educators or students to efficiently manage...

All Kinds of Coffee Catalog: Celebrating International Coffee Day

What would you like to order, sir and madam? An espresso? Perhaps a cappuccino? A latte? A Malagenean nube? A Malagenean sombra? Why does Málaga have so many different names for different types of coffee depending on the proportion of milk and coffee? Anyways, International Coffee Day will be here...

Let's Celebrate International Left Handers Day!

Lefties need love too, so let's celebrate International Left Handers Day! This template gives you everything you need to get the party started right. It’s full of great photos of hands and its design in shades of brown is elegant and stylish. And of course, it provides you with everything...

Japanese I Subject for Middle School - 8th Grade: Haiku, Chöka and Tanka to Celebrate Random Acts of Poetry Day

Poems are always very inspiring and touching. And sometimes they vary from culture to culture, like the Japanese one for example! Japanese poetry is very interesting to study and it makes a perfect lesson for your middle school students. You can explain all the basics and the different styles of...

Let's Celebrate the Carnival of Venice

The Venetians take festive dress-up seriously with no expense spared for decoration! Thousands of visitors from all over the world come to witness the revelry and breathtaking scenes at this fabulous Venetian celebration. Which one? Carnival! Now we understand why there are a lot of Carnival masks and confetti in...

Emotional Intelligence Workshop to Celebrate Self-Love Month

Sometimes, life gives us lemons, and our everyday routine seems too much. OK, we need to stop and think of something... or someone: ourselves! Our happiness is the main goal in life, right? Think about yourself during Self-Love Month, which is January, and dedicate a bit of your time to...

In Memoriam of Celebrities for IG Posts

Celebrities are part of our universe and when they die we feel the need to honor their memory in gratitude for their lives. Make a tribute through your Instagram account to your favorite celebrities using this sophisticated and appropriate template with which you can easily customize your posts and get...

Fashion Brand Marketing Plan to Celebrate National Shapewear Day

Have you ever tried shapewear? It just fits like a glove, it’s not noticeable at all and it shapes the figure beautifully! Did you know there’s a national day for this special item? In a way we’re not shocked since there’s many national days about random things, but this item...

Whales of the World to Celebrate Whale Day

Download the "Whales of the World to Celebrate Whale Day" presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides and start impressing your audience with a creative and original design. Slidesgo templates like this one here offer the possibility to convey a concept, idea or topic in a clear, concise and visual way,...

Christmas Celebration

Are you thinking of throwing a party for Christmas? It’s time you raise the expectations of your guests with a wonderful presentation that leaves them dumbfounded. Yes, this new free template is what you need!

Celebrate World Rural Women's Day! IG Post

World Rural Women’s Day is a good occasion to celebrate these workers that help the world go round, and this template is just the thing to do so on Instagram. With photos of women feeding animals and room for text, icons and more, it’s easy to put together some posts...

Celebrating National Camera Day

June 29th is the perfect day to take a shot! No, not the one you get in bars, but the one you make with your camera! Celebrate the national camera day with this template, which objective is to provide you with a visual design that will leave your audience stuttering....

Celebrating National Video Games Day Gameplaying In Streaming Platforms

Playing videogames alone is relaxing, helps you unwind, and many people enjoy it. But playing with friends? That’s a whole another level of fun! Streaming helps many people enjoy what you do at the same time as you, and helps you make new friends that are interested in the same...
