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Celebrating diversity is important! For that reason, we at Slidesgo join the celebration of Black History Month, which takes place in February in the United States and Canada and in other countries such as the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, and the Republic of Ireland in October. This celebration is a...
For a nutritionist, Global Food Day is the closest thing to a celebration of their profession. This template for a newsletter marking this special day is brimming with mouth-watering photos of all kinds of food that make it visually irresistible. And with big, bold headlines and figures that you can...
Get ready to party because Avocado Day is just around the corner! This delicious and edible delight deserves to be celebrated in style. Whether you're planning a festive gathering or a solo celebration, a party's incomplete without a trendy avocado-themed design on your presentations. Add some fun and chic graphics...
Effective communication is key to the success of any relationship, whether personal or professional. If you want to review the different forms of communication throughout history, as well as highlight important facts and report on the latest developments in this field, we propose this abstract style template. It has waves...
There are some people that prefer to stay inside rather than socializing. Meeting new people or spending a lot of time socializing overwhelms and tires them out. It’s not that they’re shy or closed, it’s just that they need their time alone to recharge. Do you recognise yourself in any...
Jazz is more than a music genre. For some, it's a lifestyle! UNESCO established International Jazz Day in 2011, and each year, on April 30, conferences, jam sessions and classes are held, with the aim of promoting jazz. For that special day, this template fits like a glove. Its red...
Alright, let's leave the mojito and the piña colada aside for a moment. Now, try this root beer. Refreshing? Let's try adding ice cream. Is that combination strange to you? Well, "root beer float" is quite popular in North America, and has its own day: August 6. Perhaps your cocktail...
Democracy is a political system that defends the sovereignty of the people and their right to elect and control their rulers. Prepare an unforgettable class of social studies, politics and citizenship for your middle school students to celebrate World Democracy Day with this template that has a geometric design. In...
Mason jars are very useful in different types of situations, and that is why they have their national day of celebration. As a tribute to these objects we have designed a minimalist grayscale template that you can use to talk about the context of this day, explain the types of...
A new package just arrived! Are you excited about what you just bought? You unwrap it from the safety papers and… you put it aside? Oh, I see… you want to pop the bubble wrap first! On January 28th, users can learn more about the history of bubble wrap and...
It's time to celebrate World Population Day, and what better way to do it than with a minimalist template that perfectly encapsulates the theme! This year, we present to you an extra special Google Slides and PowerPoint template that will help you stand out among the crowd. With the shadow...