Search results for celebrity

Here you have 49 templates based on your search of celebrity. Enjoy them!

Time to Celebrate!

Download the Time to Celebrate! presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides and start impressing your audience with a creative and original design. Slidesgo templates like this one here offer the possibility to convey a concept, idea or topic in a clear, concise and visual way, by using different graphic resources....

Emotional Intelligence Subject for Middle School: Celebrating World Smile Day

Show us your best smile! Smiling releases endorphins, it’s so healthy and makes you feel so good. Did you know there’s a day dedicated to it? Well, there is: World Smile Day! Maybe it’s a good opportunity to think about feelings and have a little introspective moment. This would work...

Festa Junina Celebration

Let's put our hands together and give a warm welcome to Festa Junina - the June Festival! As always, this year's celebration promises to be full of color and Brazilian culture. So, why not keep the good times rolling with a creative template that will take your festa to the...

Elementary Activities to Celebrate National Poetry Month

Download the "Elementary Activities to Celebrate National Poetry Month" presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides and easily edit it to fit your own lesson plan! Designed specifically for elementary school education, this eye-catching design features engaging graphics and age-appropriate fonts; elements that capture the students' attention and make the learning...

Celebrating Black History Month IG Stories

Black History Month is celebrated in February, remembering and honoring the events and the people of the African diaspora. Since social media are quite powerful when it comes to conveying information quickly and reaching to as many people as possible, we have released this new template, whose format is optimized...

Graphic Novel Reading Practice for Elementary: Celebrating US' National Comic Book Day

Comics are an easy and enjoyable type of reading because of their eye-catching illustrations. What better way to introduce your elementary school students to reading graphic novels than with this format. And what better time to do it than on National Comic Book Day. Celebrate it with this template full...

Let's Celebrate Watercolor Month

Get out the brushes and your canvas, we're celebrating! In July, watercolor month takes place, to honor all creativity that comes from this type of painting. Any ideas to celebrate this month? Try a Slidesgo template! This creative design, of course full of watercolor touches, is a perfect way to...

Let's Celebrate Friendship Day in Social Media - IG Stories

Did you know that the 30th of July is international friendship day? Then how about celebrating this day by sharing IG stories about friendship? You can make a perfect strategy with this template where you can analyze your followers, set goals, organize a schedule for your social media content, and...

Let's Celebrate Mardi Gras

Mardi Gras is the name given to the Shrove Tuesday celebrated in cities like New Orleans, Mobile or Quebec. It is the day before Ash Wednesday. It is a celebration of a real explosion of colors, costumes and fun. We encourage you to celebrate Mardi Gras! To celebrate it or...

Celebrating Japanese Greenery Day

Let people know about Japanese Greenery Day with this template! Its soothing look, combining shades of green and blue, sets the stage for any and all information you might want to share about this celebration, and its illustrations of different types of vegetation will put a smile on the face...

Mallorca's "La Patrona in Pollença" Celebration

Pollença is a city in Mallorca that celebrates its local festival each August 2nd. Its patron saint is the Mare de Deu dels Àngels and is the focus of the celebration, although not all activities revolve around Christianity. There’s also lots of balls, typical foods, bonfires, fireworks… speak about this...

Pride Celebration

Download the Pride Celebration presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides and start impressing your audience with a creative and original design. Slidesgo templates like this one here offer the possibility to convey a concept, idea or topic in a clear, concise and visual way, by using different graphic resources. You...

Let's Celebrate International Creativity Month!

Have you already thought about your New Year's resolutions? How about starting off on the right foot, proposing to be very creative in everything you do? January is International Creativity Month, because there is nothing better than starting the year with a touch of originality and creativity in your activities....

Coffee Shop Newsletter to Celebrate Irish Coffee Day

Irish coffee is a popular drink that is enjoyed all over the world. It is made with coffee, whiskey, and cream, and it is usually served hot. January 25 is officially Irish Coffee Day, and many people celebrate this day by drinking Irish coffee. Some restaurants and bars even offer...

Let's Celebrate Geek Pride Day

Did you know that Geek Pride Day was originally created in Spain in 2006 with the name “Día del orgullo friki”? This celebration is observed every year on May 25 and has as main purpose show the world how proud geek people are! If you love something, a movie, a...

Traditional South American Games to Celebrate National Play Outside Day in Preschool

What games do kids usually play outdoors in South America? Do you know about "rayuela" or "canicas" or "trompo"? What if we said "hopscotch", "marbles" and "spinning top"? Agora sim! If you want to celebrate National Play Outside Day, download this very colorful template and talk about these traditional games....

Let's Celebrate Dance Day!

Gather all your friends and celebrate Dance Day! Feel the music and the cool design of the slides included in this new template. Everything is editable, so follow the rhythm and make the most of the colorful abstract shapes and the illustrations of dancers to engage your audience and feel...

Celebrating Day of the Dead

Despite its name, Mexico's Dia de Muertos (Day of the Dead) is a happy celebration since life and death is seen as something natural in this culture. A certain animation studios produced a movie about this topic recently, and here's our take in the form of a presentation template! There's...