Search results for celebrity

Here you have 5 templates based on your search of celebrity. Enjoy them!

In Memoriam of Celebrities for IG Posts

Celebrities are part of our universe and when they die we feel the need to honor their memory in gratitude for their lives. Make a tribute through your Instagram account to your favorite celebrities using this sophisticated and appropriate template with which you can easily customize your posts and get...

National Seat Belt Day Celebration

National Seat Belt Day is celebrated on November 14th and it puts the focus on the importance of that tiny little piece of fabric that you put around you every time you hop in a car. Some countries have a law that make it mandatory for everyone in a car...

Corporate Celebration

Download the "Corporate Celebration" presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides. The world of business encompasses a lot of things! From reports to customer profiles, from brainstorming sessions to sales—there's always something to do or something to analyze. This customizable design, available for Google Slides and PowerPoint, is what you were...

Let's Celebrate World Architecture Day!

World Architecture Day takes place on the first Monday in October. Its main objective is to commemorate the creative spirit of architects, whose mission is to improve people's way of life. We wanted to contribute to the celebration by designing this elegant template with which you can introduce this date,...

Let's Celebrate Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day!

A new package just arrived! Are you excited about what you just bought? You unwrap it from the safety papers and… you put it aside? Oh, I see… you want to pop the bubble wrap first! On January 28th, users can learn more about the history of bubble wrap and...