Search results for minimalism

Here you have 5 templates based on your search of minimalism. Enjoy them!

Cloral Minimalist Breakthrough

Sharing the latest medical discoveries will be easy thanks to our newest template. These professional slides will be a great help when detailing your objectives, methodology, results analysis and conclusions. This black and white presentation will help you keeping your audience’s attention. In addition, you’ll find pictures of microscopes of...

Pneumococcal Disease

A pneumococcal infection is an infection caused by a bacteria called pneumococcus. This bacteria colonizes in the nose and throat and leads to pneumonia, bacterial meningitis and sepsis. If you want to give a presentation about this bacterial disease, you now can with this template designed especially for it. You...

Preeclampsia Clinical Case

Preeclampsia is a condition that affects people who are pregnant. It causes high blood pressure, kidney damage and even other signs of organ damage. When should you expect it? You should be looking for these symptoms around the 20th week of pregnancy. Now you might be worried about how this...

World Asthma Day

Asthma is a relatively common disease that affects the lungs and is caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors. World Asthma Day takes place every year on May 5, with the aim of raising awareness of this disease that causes a six-digit number of deaths a year. To...

Coronavirus Clinical Case

When it comes to prevention of diseases, remaining calm is usually your best choice. Doctors and medics work hard to research and provide any useful information available. With this new clinical case template, you can give a formal presentation about coronavirus.
