Prison Presentation templates

Explain to your audience how prisons work and how they are managed with these Google Slides and PowerPoint templates. Do you plead yourself guilty to not using Slidesgo's templates enough?

Jail vs Prison Comparison

The differences between jail and prison are quite big, despite the terms being usually used interchangeably. In brief, people who stay in jails are people who still haven’t received a sentence. Jails have less security than prisons and are a temporary stay. On the other hand, prisons are where people...

Jail vs Prison Comparison Infographics

Download the Jail vs Prison Comparison Infographics template for PowerPoint or Google Slides and discover the power of infographics. An infographic resource gives you the ability to showcase your content in a more visual way, which will make it easier for your audience to understand your topic. Slidesgo infographics like...

Debate on the Death Penalty for Law Students

There comes a moment full of controversy: the time to talk about the death penalty in law class. For or against? In these cases, a debate is best, as it will allow to see all the positions of all the students and, in addition, very interesting thoughts and ideas will...

Prison Management System

Have you ever wondered how a prison works? How is it run? The topic is quite interesting, as it's not very usual. Try this template and educate your audience on this matter. The design of the slides is simple to facilitate the addition of content. The palette is composed of...

Capital Punishment Thesis Defense

There's no doubt one of the most controversial topics in politics and law is capital punishment. It is probably a topic that gets talked about when studying law, so if your thesis is about this topic, try using our template to create a presentation so that you have extra material...

Prison Reform System Analysis for College

Is a reform of the prison system necessary? If we compare the crime incidence rate of other countries such as Germany or the Netherlands, we can see that the numbers in the United States are much higher. This can generate a debate that can be very interesting to analyze in...

History Thesis: Italian Prisons in the 19th Century

Your thesis on Italian prisons in the 19th century sounds fascinating, and we know that the moment to defend it is crucial on the way to your academic goal. That is why we have designed this complete and eye-catching template in minimalist style with geometric touches, in which you will...

Criminal Justice Lawyer CV

By law, you’re allowed to enjoy this template, modify it and use it for personal and professional projects, as long as you credit Slidesgo! If you have any doubts about our policies, you can ask a lawyer… wait! You’re one! Then we’re sure all legal concepts will be as clear...

World Day Against the Death Penalty

October 10th marks World Day Against the Death Penalty. On this day, people come together to raise awareness and advocate for the abolition of this cruel and inhumane practice. The death penalty has been a controversial topic for decades, with many questioning its effectiveness as a deterrent for crime. Maybe...

Center for Prison Education

The prison shouldn't be the last place some people step into in their lives, but to ensure that they have a nice reinsertion into society, education comes in handy. Some prisons offer classes and courses so that inmates can learn, and this template can be the way for you to...

Thesis Statement Against Death Penalty

You are clear about your position on this controversial issue. You are against the death penalty. In fact, you have built your thesis on this argument. Now it is time to develop it in a theoretical way, that is to say, to show on what basis you are against it....

Thesis Statement Against Death Penalty Infographics

A topic such as the death penalty needs resources to illustrate your data, bibliographic sources or different figures, especially if it is a thesis on the subject. As we already have a template to prepare the defense of the thesis, "Thesis Statement Against Death Penalty", we thought that having at...
