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Jewish Presentation templates

Welcome to the Jewish culture, where you'll find everything from bagels and lox to matzah ball soup and brisket. But that's not all. The Jewish community is known for their deep religious traditions and practices, including the observance of the Sabbath and the celebration of major holidays such as Hanukkah and Passover. Let's get to know them better with these Google Slides themes and PowerPoint templates.


Jewish History Thesis

There are so many things to research when it comes to Jewish history: traditions, origins, scripts, development through history… so we understand that writing a thesis on it must be really hard! Now that you’re at the end stage and the only thing left for you to get your degree...


Jewish Culture and Festivities: Yom Kippur Thesis Defense

If your thesis is on Yom Kippur, this is the template for you! Its elegant design features illustrations of things related to this important part of Jewish culture, and the decorations and paper-like look of the background reference that this is an ancient tradition. Simply customize it with your own...


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Jewish School Center

Do you want to promote your Jewish school center and reach more students? Looking for a quick and easy-to-use tool that will give you the best results? You have found the right presentation! With this template you will be able to talk about your school and expose all the advantages...


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Jewish History Lesson for High School: Holocaust

During the Holocaust, around six million Jews lost their lives. It is considered one of the saddest and darkest periods in history. However, as the quote "he who forgets his history is condemned to repeat it" goes, studying these events is very important. If you are preparing a history class...


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Happy Yom Kippur

Yom Kippur, known as the Day of Atonement, is an important Jewish holiday that signifies a time of reflection and forgiveness. It's a day to seek forgiveness for any past wrongdoing, to repair relationships, and to strive towards being a better person. Do you want to wish a happy Yom...

Jewish History Thesis Defense

Are you looking to give your Jewish history thesis defense presentation a unique spin? With this creative template, you'll definitely impress your audience! It's got a classic dark blue color and features multiple illustrations connected to the topic. What's more - we've included several resources, like a map, a graph...


Jewish Book Week

Each year, Jewish Book Week brings us a myriad of exciting and thought-provoking opportunities to explore the richness of Jewish literature. Offering readings, festivals, workshops, lectures, performances and more, this event provides an impressive array of ways to get involved in Jewish culture like never before. This template includes lots...

Jewish Traditions in Israel

Download the "Jewish Traditions in Israel" presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides and start impressing your audience with a creative and original design. Slidesgo templates like this one here offer the possibility to convey a concept, idea or topic in a clear, concise and visual way, by using different graphic...

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Festival of Sukkot Thesis Defense

The festival of Sukkot, or the feast of booths, is a week-long Jewish celebration. If your thesis is about this tradition, here is the perfect template to shine at your presentation. It has a cheerful cream color, and photos and illustrations that serve to give context to your research. Edit...


Judaism: Culture and Traditions Workshop

Download the Judaism: Culture and Traditions Workshop presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides. If you are planning your next workshop and looking for ways to make it memorable for your audience, don’t go anywhere. Because this creative template is just what you need! With its visually stunning design, you can...


History of the Jewish People

Is it possible to sum up 3,000 years of history of the Jewish people? The task is a real challenge, but you have Slidesgo on your side to help you. Here's a template, completely editable, that you can use for slideshows. Use it to show the key moments in a...

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Hannukah's Symbolism and Traditions

Hanukkah, also called Chanukah, is a significant holiday in the Jewish faith, celebrated for eight days every year. This time around, why not celebrate in a unique way by sharing all the fascinating details about this festive occasion? From its symbolism to its traditions, you can create a dynamic presentation...

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Sukkot: Feast of Tabernacles - Jewish Culture & Traditions Thesis Defense

Sukkot or Feast of Tabernacles is a Jewish festival of biblical origin that recalls the vicissitudes of Israel during its wanderings in the desert. We know that you have worked hard on your thesis about Jewish culture and traditions and we want to help you defend it with this magical...


Social Studies Subject for Middle School: Jewish Culture

Middle schoolers can now explore the fascinating world of Jewish culture with this creative and fun template for lessons! With elegant designs, colorful illustrations, and a unique visual tone, this course will provide an engaging way of learning about Jewish culture, its traditions, and its people. Boost your students' knowledge...


Religious Beliefs of Hebrews

Download the Religious Beliefs of Hebrews presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides. The education sector constantly demands dynamic and effective ways to present information. This template is created with that very purpose in mind. Offering the best resources, it allows educators or students to efficiently manage their presentations and engage...


Download the "Pesach" presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides and start impressing your audience with a creative and original design. Slidesgo templates like this one here offer the possibility to convey a concept, idea or topic in a clear, concise and visual way, by using different graphic resources. You need...

Cultural Heritage of Israel Thesis Defense

There can be many reasons as to why you would analyze the cultural heritage of Israel. What motivated you to join these studies and finish an entire dissertation? The cities? The religion? The temples? In any case, we've got an editable template that will turn your hypotheses, analysis and conclusions...


Happy Hanukkah!

As the nights get colder and the year comes to a close, it's time to celebrate Hanukkah! This eight-day festival commemorates the miracle of the oil in the temple of Jerusalem, over 2,000 years ago. We've designed a beautiful template that you might like. Scratch that... you will like it!...