Europe Presentation templates

Europe’s living a celebration! These templates have different designs, different themes, and even different languages, just like Europe! Did you know that Europe has a yearly singing contest in which each country sends a band to represent them? Celebrate the cultural diversity of this continent and give fun facts like this one with these designs for Google Slides and PowerPoint

King's Day in Amsterdam

King's Day is one of the most important events in the Netherlands. It is celebrated on April 27, which is the king's birthday, and it is a holiday full of orange color, like the one we have chosen as the background for this Slidesgo template. We have included illustrations of...

German Day of Children’s Hospice Work

Germany celebrates the “Tag der Kinderhospizarbeit“ on the 10th of February, a day dedicated to the importance of children who have to live in a children’s hospice because of their illnesses. This template is dedicated to this important event and includes lots of editable resources so that you can give...

French Literature

Who hasn't ever heard of Jules Verne or Victor Hugo, for example? French literature has been so influential in the past, it's just the perfect topic for a lesson (or a workshop). Open this book—sorry, template—and get inspired by the creativeness and the beauty of the slides. Apart from easy...

Travel Guide: Paris

Hello there, fellow globetrotter! If you're as fond of traveling as we do, then you're love this presentation, because we've designed it as a travel guide for Paris. The illustrations are related to France, its landmarks and its culture. To inspire your creativity, we've added some sections as an example,...

Map of France Class Minitheme

France is a very important country worldwide and knowing about its geography is key to understanding past and current geopolitical events. Use this fun and colorful template that we have designed for your map of France class to explain its geography and the regions into which it is divided. In...

French Grandmother's Day

Have you already bought a bouquet of flowers for your grandmother? Or you can even go to the countryside to pick them up! The first Sunday of every March is Grandmother's Day in France, when French grandmothers are honored by their grandchildren, but it is also a day of recognition...

French Easter!

There’s no easter like the French one, and this cute template in French is a great way to let the world know! With adorable illustrations of bunnies and easter eggs, it’s extremely cute and easy on the eyes, but it also offers a wide variety of slides that can be...

German Toy Route Minitheme

The German Toy Route is a touristic attraction where visitors can enjoy toys from a variety of shops that go from Nürnberg to Erfurt. This festivity wants to celebrate the beautiful tradition of handmaking toys, choosing the materials, crafting them, choosing the design for your you and, finally… giving it...

German Easter!

Easter is a worldwide celebration that is not only celebrated by believers, because the celebrations and traditions are shared by catholics and non-catholics! People who believe can go to the Ostermesse while others look for Ostereien… do you know what we’re speaking about? Discover more about how Germans celebrate Easter...

Spanish Food Cookbook

Spanish gastronomy is one of the best in the world for the quality and variety of the products it uses to delight palates. We have designed the most perfect and elegant template in pastel colors and with delicate brush strokes for you to present your Spanish food cookbook. With this...

Germany's Peace Festival: Augsburger Hohes Friedensfest

The Hohes Friedensfest is held in the German city of Augsburg on August 8 every year. It has also been part of Germany's intangible cultural heritage since 2018. Behind this holiday lies hundreds of years of history, as it dates back to 1648, when the oppression of Protestants came to...

Mallorca's "La Patrona in Pollença" Celebration

Pollença is a city in Mallorca that celebrates its local festival each August 2nd. Its patron saint is the Mare de Deu dels Àngels and is the focus of the celebration, although not all activities revolve around Christianity. There’s also lots of balls, typical foods, bonfires, fireworks… speak about this...

French Pastry Workshop

Nobody makes pastries like the French. Well, maybe this is a quite subjective opinion, but have you ever tasted the delicious macarons? Or the chocolate coulant? The éclairs, the crepes, the crème brûlée... Okay, the idea is clear. As you can see, we are passionate about French pastries, and now...

Russia Minitheme

Download the Russia Minitheme presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides and start impressing your audience with a creative and original design. Slidesgo templates like this one here offer the possibility to convey a concept, idea or topic in a clear, concise and visual way, by using different graphic resources. You...

European Lung Cancer Week

Raise awareness on lung cancer with this template and join the events during September 10th to 17th for the European Lung Cancer Week. During these 7 days, lots of talks, conferences and informative events will be held where both health professionals and people who want to be informed can learn...

Paris: a Tourist Attraction MK Campaign

Paris is the best city in the world! The city of lights, the city of love, the city of the Louvre museum... We could go on like this all day long! Since it's a place that sells itself, imagine how successful your marketing campaign promoting the city of Paris as...

Travel Guide: Paris Infographics

Oh, là là, Paris, je t'aime ! If you are also in love with the French capital and want to create your own travel guide, this infographics template inspired by the city of light will be of great help. It has different resources, such as diagrams, timelines, graphs, lists, etc....

Paris Fashion Show

Some places are special in the world of fashion. They hold the biggest and most important shows and events. Paris, obviously, is one of them! You can tell everyone interested in fashion what will happen during a fashion show by adding information to these visual slides. You'll instantly notice what's...