Space Presentation templates
The Slidesgo rocket is about to take off! Get on it to discover everything in outer space: galaxies, planets, stars, satellites and amazing Google Slides themes and PowerPoint templates to use in your space presentations.
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Let your imagination fly and bring your ideas to a new universe with this template from another galaxy, where every single detail will make your data shine like the stars.
Revolutionize the education sector and take your students to another galaxy with this new Slidesgo template, where your science lessons will display a colorful universe of creative design.
"Tell me you use Slidesgo without telling me you use Slidesgo." "Mercury is the smallest planet in the Solar System". Oooookay, we've made this joke a thousand times, but we just love the Solar System, the planets, and the Universe! We can't avoid it. We've captured all that passion in...
With this new colorful template, you can aim for the stars! If you need to give a presentation, no matter the topic, this will be your greatest aid. Expand your horizons and reach out to your audience from all around the galaxy!
Back to School time has arrived at Slidesgo! Whether you are a school center or a business focused on stationery and other school supplies, this template will help you plan and report your Social Media Strategy. Your marketing campaign will get to both parents and students, and getting a high...
Are you as fascinated as us when it comes to galaxies? They are collections of stars, gas, and dust held together by gravity in a symphony of motion and light. Ours is called Milky Way, and has a good share of planets. You know, Mercury is the smallest planet of...
This year, Astronomy Day will be celebrated in May, so there's still time to admire the stars... and create a great presentation! Make the most of the beautiful illustrations of planets and the starry backgrounds. Inspire young people to become astronomers by telling them great things about the space, comets,...
If you are a person who loves order and the Power Wardens cartoon (beautifully inspired by certain heroic rangers), we have the perfect template for you. Explore this presentation containing a personal organizer with funny illustrations, what a great combination! Download now and explore resources like daily, monthly, weekly, and...