Search results for marvel comics

Here you have 20 templates based on your search of marvel comics. Enjoy them!

Comic Style

Have fun editing and adding your own content to a comic! In Slidesgo, we have just created a lovely template that mimics this style. Do you feel like a superhero?

Energy Powers - Super Heroes and Villains Minitheme

Is it a plane? Is it a bird? No, it’s a new template from Slidesgo! With this minitheme full of superheroes and supervillains, the safety of the city is ensured. The slides include illustrations of our favourite superheroes and infographics so you can describe them, speak about their achievements, their...

Comic Book Superheroes in Contemporary Society Thesis

Has anyone called Captain Slidesgo? The superhero of amazing designs who fights against boring presentations! What's the matter with you? Do you want to make an analysis of the role of superheroes in contemporary society? Is it going to be the topic of your thesis? No problem! Here's the ideal...

Comic Style Infographics

Use your creativity when having a presentation with these colorful inforgraphics. They will help you convey your data and ideas in a funny and illustrative way, and the maps, charts, calendars and graphs with a cartoon illustrated design will make it a piece of cake to catch your audience's attention!

National Comic Book Day

It would be impossible to count how many hours of fun comic books have provided to... everyone! They've been around, at mainstream level, for almost a century, and USA celebrates the National Comic Book Day on September 25. It's your turn to create a great presentation about comic books! Use...

Super Comic Book Style Consulting Toolkit

The most successful consultants are like superheroes—they know the business world to perfection and can tell you easily what you need to improve. So, a template like this one, whose style resembles comic books, is perfectly suited to then, right? The typography is amazing, the colors are great and we've...

Superhero Group Newsletter

Do you have to present the newsletter to your co-workers? Kaboom! Do it in a fun way with this superhero template that will leave them delighted. Dare to make a memorable presentation, with an original design and with a structure that will allow you to announce the main news, hires...

Comic Infographics

If you like the world of comics, don't miss this infographics template inspired by this style. It includes different types of representations that you can edit and adapt to your needs. With them you can convey a multitude of data, thanks to the graphs, infographics and roadmaps. Give an original...

My Hero Minitheme

This template has superpowers! Well, not really, but it's so amazing that you'll be able to make it dazzle. Who's your hero (apart from Slidesgo, of course)? The design is inspired by a typical comic book style, with its cartoony illustrations, slides that look like comic strips, eye-catching fonts like...

Arachnid Superhero

Is your spider-sense telling you anything? This template is in danger, it needs editing as soon as possible! Make a presentation about your favorite superhero with these creative slides. This arachnid superhero got his powers from a spider bite and now shoots webs and helps fighting against evil. What are...

Onyx Panther Avenger

Get ready to bring visual impact to your presentations with our newest editable template inspired by the Onyx Panther Avenger. Designed to capture your audience's attention, this template is perfect for any kind of subject. With its sleek and professional design, this template is sure to elevate your next presentation....

My Favorite Fiction Hero - Language Arts Assignment for Elementary

This assignment encourages students to explore the concept of heroism in literature by looking at different characters and evaluating them on their traits and qualities. Students should use examples from books, films, comics, or other texts to discuss what makes a character heroic and why they admire them. They must...

Cinema Villains Infographics

We always root for the heroes when we're watching movies, but recently some films that focus on the villains have been released. Would you like to talk about them in front of an audience? Use these editable infographics to complete your slideshow and add some statistics or extra information. For...

Arachnid Power

Oh no! Slidesgo's multiverse is in danger! The blue goblin together with Doctor Squid intends to erase all the templates Slidesgo has in his multiverse. We need the help of a great superhero! Maybe we could count on this young man with arachnid superpowers... sure you know who we mean......

Cinema Heroes Infographics

Is that a bird? Is that a plane? No, it’s Slidesgo coming to save us from boring presentations! This new set of infographics has superheroes as protagonists and if you use them, your presentations are going to gain a new superpower: being incredibly clear and interesting! Take a look at...

Comic & Superhero Illustrator Portfolio

Are you a comic & superhero illustrator, have an impressive portfolio, but don't know the best way to show it to the world? In your work area you know that design, colors and presentation are the key to success. That's why we bring you this incredible template with amazing illustrations,...

Super Power Girl Minitheme

There’s a green one, a blue one and an orange one. They have very unique superpowers and are supercute. Do you know which three sisters we’re speaking about? Well, if your presentation is ever on trouble, you know which superhero to call: Slidesgo! Download this cute minitheme and enjoy its...

Be a Superhero

Let your imagination run wild with our latest superhero presentation template! Teach children how to be the superheroes they dream of becoming and get the powers they covet with this energetic and lively presentation.