Search results for india food
Here you have 7 templates based on your search of india food. Enjoy them!
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Hmmmm yummmm~ smells so good! Can I have a chicken samosa, a lamb korma and cheese and garlic nan please? Indian dishes are one of the most popular cuisine in the world. No matter wherever you go, you can find a nice Indian restaurant that will appeal to various tastes...
Download the "Cuisine of Bhutan Workshop" presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides. If you are planning your next workshop and looking for ways to make it memorable for your audience, don’t go anywhere. Because this creative template is just what you need! With its visually stunning design, you can provide...
This year, on August 22, it is celebrated the coconut festival or as it is also known, Narali Purnima. It is a celebration of the Hindu religion dedicated to the worship of a fruit that everyone likes, the coconut. It is celebrated when there is a full moon and is...
India has a very varied gastronomy, as it represents the union of several cultures. If we had to highlight two elements of Indian cuisine, they would be the use of many spices in all dishes and the presence of a large amount of vegetables. Indians love their gastronomy because it...
Do you like veggies? Whether you’re vegan or vegetarian or just like to eat, this dish is for you! Have you ever tried Undhiyu? This vegetable dish is a regional specialty of Gujarat in India. Green beans, peas, unripe bananas, eggplants, potatoes… Many vegetables and roots can be cooked for...
For some, the taste of a mango is quite exotic, but what if we told you that mango is the national fruit of some countries, including India and Pakistan? There's even more: July 22 is Mango Day! Use this new template to create a presentation in which you commemorate the...
A true fan favorite of summer. Mango is that fruit that you always choose when you want to have a refreshing juice during the hottest days. This fruit originated in many parts of Myanmar and India, and the latter is so proud of this fruit that they celebrate a day...