Search results for celebrity

Here you have 66 templates based on your search of celebrity. Enjoy them!

Pre-K Activities to Celebrate Children's Book Day

Download the "Pre-K Activities to Celebrate Children's Book Day" presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides and create big learning experiences for the littlest students! Dynamic and adorable, this template provides the visual stimuli that Pre-K students thrive on and makes your lessons more playful and exciting — after all, Pre-K...

Physical Education Subject for Elementary: Let's Celebrate American Touch Tag Day

Surely you have played touch tag. Did you know that there is a day dedicated to this game in America? It takes place on October 8, and at Slidesgo we want to celebrate it with this fun template full of illustrations of children playing outdoors. Prepare a presentation for your...

Holidays and Cultural Celebrations - French - 2nd Grade

Download the "Holidays and Cultural Celebrations - French - 2nd Grade" presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides and easily edit it to fit your own lesson plan! Designed specifically for elementary school education, this eye-catching design features engaging graphics and age-appropriate fonts; elements that capture the students' attention and make...

Let's Celebrate Children's Day at School!

Children's Day is a celebration that is observed on different days depending on the country, but a clear date is November 20, because that same day, in 1959, the UN approved the Declaration of the Rights of the Child, becoming a key date and the date of celebration in some...

Holidays and Celebrations - Pre-K

When is Carnival? What do we eat on Thanksgiving? Why is Valentine's Day celebrated? These little minds... always so curious... If your preschoolers are eager to learn about different holidays around the world, why wouldn't you grant their wish? It's time for a very special design! This sticker-filled template is...

Traditional South American Games to Celebrate National Play Outside Day in Preschool

What games do kids usually play outdoors in South America? Do you know about "rayuela" or "canicas" or "trompo"? What if we said "hopscotch", "marbles" and "spinning top"? Agora sim! If you want to celebrate National Play Outside Day, download this very colorful template and talk about these traditional games....

Venezuelan Gastronomy Workshop to Celebrate World Arepa Day

Food lovers, we have a template for you. On every second Saturday of September since 2012, Venezuela celebrates the World Arepa Day, a special event where people enjoy this traditional, tasty and amazing dish. On their origins, arepas were considered a gift to the Gods. No wonder, they taste amazing!...

Tex-Mex Recipes Workshop to Celebrate World Nacho Day

We all love nachos, and that is why their world day is celebrated on October 21st. Take advantage of this date to teach your Tex-Mex recipe workshop with this beautiful mustard-colored template. With it, you can teach the theory of these delicious recipes, explain the main features of this type...

Celebrate Dance Day for Pre-K

Every year, on April 29th, people around the world show their appreciation for the beauty and energy of dance by participating in a variety of celebrations. International Dance Day is that great! Of course, children cannot be left behind, so use this template to celebrate this day with your little...

Let's Celebrate World First Aid Day!

First, call 911. Second, check if the injured person is breathing. Third, let’s start CPR. One, two, three… Please count 30. Being aware of the first aid system can save lives. Therefore, World First Aid Day is celebrated in September every year to promote the importance of first aid training....

Elementary Activities to Celebrate National Poetry Month

Download the "Elementary Activities to Celebrate National Poetry Month" presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides and easily edit it to fit your own lesson plan! Designed specifically for elementary school education, this eye-catching design features engaging graphics and age-appropriate fonts; elements that capture the students' attention and make the learning...

Pre-K Activities to Celebrate Children's Book Day

Download the "Pre-K Activities to Celebrate Children's Book Day" presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides and create big learning experiences for the littlest students! Dynamic and adorable, this template provides the visual stimuli that Pre-K students thrive on and makes your lessons more playful and exciting — after all, Pre-K...

Celebrate Down Syndrome Day

On March 21st we celebrate Down Syndrome Day as a means of awareness about this disability and as a reminder that people with disabilities should be given the same opportunities as everyone else. In honor of this day, we have created this beautiful, popping presentation template to help you celebrate...

Recipes Workshop to Celebrate National Pupusa Day at El Salvador

Welcome to El Salvador, a country known for its amazing, tasty food! Pupusa is one of its amazing dishes and it is so beloved that it even has an official holiday: the second Sunday of November! But what is a pupusa? How is this even celebrated? Where should I go...

Let's Celebrate World Food Day!

World Food Day is an important event that is celebrated globally on 16th October every year. The day is marked to raise awareness about the importance of food security and to combat hunger and malnutrition. This user-friendly, fully editable tool boasts an array of stunning photos and illustrations of, well,...

Let's Celebrate US' National Lighthouse Day

Turn the boat to starboard and now turn the boat to port! Captain, where are we heading? Gentleman, we are just following the light, and it will lead us to a port. Cut the comedy, a lighthouse plays important role in our society. It helps not only maritime pilots at...

Bakery Shop Newsletter to Celebrate US' National Dessert Day

Celebrate US' National Dessert Day by using this sweet template to present the newsletter to your work team. Make this presentation much fun and it will probably whet your teammates' appetites. Download it and discover its design in pastel colors with illustrations of bakery products, with which you can give...

Social Skills Activities for Middle School to Celebrate International Thank-You Day

Even if you don’t know it, there’s lots of things to be thankful for! An example is this template: it’s full of creative resources, beautiful illustrations and a wavy background decorated with abstract shapes. And you can have all that without moving a finger! Prepare a presentation and celebrate the...
