Search results for banksy

Here you have 3 templates based on your search of banksy. Enjoy them!

Art Historical Analysis Class for High School

Show your students how to appreciate true art with this template dedicated to the most important works of art history! Speak about iconology, genres, movement, materials and authors with the vintage slides we have included, the designs are editable so that you can add the works you’re studying in this...

Language Arts for High School - 9th Grade: POV and Narrative Voice

Do you think your students would be able to name how many types of narrators there are and the points of view in a story? Don't worry! Well, if they still don't manage these concepts properly, after a literature class presented with this template, they'll become real experts. And of...

Arts Subject for Elementary - 2nd Grade: Theater

Oh, theater, what a beautiful art! Wouldn't you think it would be great to organize a theater lesson? Your wish is my command! Slidesgo brings you a template to teach a theater lesson to your elementary school students. This presentation is very original, as it is designed in a very...
