Search results for american football

Here you have 17 templates based on your search of american football. Enjoy them!


American Football Day

Do you know why November 5 is American Football Day? This celebration focuses on the importance of American Football and the traditions that come with it: being together, playing as a team, making new friends, practicing sports, working unite for a common goal… speak about the events that take place...

American Football Playbook Slideshow

"Guys, this is the third down and we are five points behind. We need to try this new... um... set play that I... um... Where did I left my playbook?" Oh, that seems like a coach's nightmare. Maybe if you had a digital version of your playbook, you could ask...

American Football Annual Championship MK Campaign

One of the most popular sporting events every year is the big game, the American Football Annual Championship. It moves millions of dollars, so it’s often the focus of marketing campaigns and ads. Create a presentation using our free template and score a touchdown in sales!


American Football Team Business Plan

Teamwork is fundamental to everything, but an American football team is not only made up of the players and the coach! There is a lot to organize and manage. After all, it's like a company, but a company that specializes in American football. Handle all of the necessary arrangements with...


2023 American Football Championship

A lot of sporting events are coming in 2023! And we at Slidesgo love to join them all! Tennis, basketball, water polo, and today it's American football! Well, we have designed a template to talk about the 2023 American Football Championship and everything related to this very important sporting event....

American Football Infographics

Download the American Football Infographics template for PowerPoint or Google Slides and discover the power of infographics. An infographic resource gives you the ability to showcase your content in a more visual way, which will make it easier for your audience to understand your topic. Slidesgo infographics like this set...


All About American Football Championships

Download the "All About American Football Championships" presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides and start impressing your audience with a creative and original design. Slidesgo templates like this one here offer the possibility to convey a concept, idea or topic in a clear, concise and visual way, by using different...

American Football Player Portfolio

This template is going to make you score a touchdown! Download it now and rush through its slides sharing your experience, studies, championships won, different teams or scholarships… get all your creativity together and edit these slides inspired by the famous American sport that so many hearts has captivated. This...


American Football Team Company Profile

For an American football team to be successful (although not everything is about winning), it is not only the work of the players that matters. There are also many people behind the team who oversee all the necessary management of the team, because in the end it is as if...


Pre-Season American Football Team Meeting

We recently released a template for meetings held during pre-season, but for football teams. You know, "soccer" teams. This one is similar, but for american football teams! We're not here to talk about which one is the true "football", but to talk about how wonderful the design of this template...


American Football Team MK Plan

When you hear the word "football", do you think of yards, touchdowns and set pieces? Then you've just discovered the right template! American football teams are very popular, but money doesn't grow on trees: that's where a marketing plan comes into play! Download this customizable template and prepare for the...


My American Football Playbook

We're in the last quarter, ten seconds on the clock and it's the fourth down. We need to think of something, and quickly. The coach must have the perfect play in his playbook, right? Oh, no, he doesn't have one... yet! Slidesgo has designed this new template to solve this...

American Football Championship Party Invitation

Why enjoy the most anticipated American football game on your own when you can join the party and be with other supporters? But do you know where that party will take place? Here's the template that its host (or you!) might use to create the leaflets or invitations, completely editable...

American Football Workshop

American football comes from English rugby, and it is a sport that has a huge popularity. If you are a coach of this discipline, we encourage you to take a look at this creative template from Slidesgo, which will be of great help to teach your team the basic rules...


American Football Championship Minitheme

It's the game of the year! PowerPoint vs. Google Slides - who will win? Well, whichever one you want, because this template works for both! The central theme we've been inspired by for the illustrations and design is that famous American soccer championship that you're sure to be familiar with....

Day of American Football Championship

The Day of American Football Championship is one of the most important sporting events of the year—companies pay millions to advertise during halftime! Build anticipation for this magnificent game by editing our thematic template. Spotlights, players, footballs... Every single resource is related to the Big Game. Get this slideshow and...

American Football Club Management Project Proposal

PowerPoint vs. Google Slides. American Football Game of the Year. Who will get more touchdowns? From Slidesgo, we can tell you that both have great tools when it comes to slide editing and if, in addition, they use this American football club project proposal template as a base, it's going...
