Search results for minimalism
Here you have 109 templates based on your search of minimalism. Enjoy them!
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A portfolio, one of the best tools to showcase your own work and projects so that potential clients know that you're a reliable professional. As its name suggests, this new template plays with grayscale, both in the photos and in the text. Speaking of text, it also contains some WordArt,...
Amazing gradients! What is this template about? Well, it is a design created to be the visual support of a workshop on accounting. It is arranged to explain the basic principles of accounting, although being 100% editable you can adapt and edit the content to the difficulty you want. The...
Thorough science and medical research is the key to human progress. Emphasizing its importance is a need for any country and city, so go ahead and promote your research center and services with this minimalist presentation!
Lights, camera, action! This sober and monochromatic style template is meant for a murder and mystery short film presentation. The black images and icons on white backgrounds give it that elegant and mysterious touch you'll be looking for. Whether it's for this theme or the one you decide, this template...
Get rid of all that nervousness and enter the room full of confidence and willing to impress everyone in your thesis defense. Wait, first you must customize this new template so that your presentation is ready! Nothing feels as boring to the assessment committee than overcrowded slides, so our proposal...
We’ve just designed a new template with a focus on elegance and modernity. Thanks to its pictures, its minimalist design and its layouts, you can use it for marketing presentations. Different amounts of columns of text, a timeline, mockups and a table are supplied.
Sharing the latest medical discoveries will be easy thanks to our newest template. These professional slides will be a great help when detailing your objectives, methodology, results analysis and conclusions. This black and white presentation will help you keeping your audience’s attention. In addition, you’ll find pictures of microscopes of...
A pneumococcal infection is an infection caused by a bacteria called pneumococcus. This bacteria colonizes in the nose and throat and leads to pneumonia, bacterial meningitis and sepsis. If you want to give a presentation about this bacterial disease, you now can with this template designed especially for it. You...
Some people are born with the gift of coming up with innovative ideas! Our designers in Slidesgo, on the other hand, have the gift of creating presentations that give life to your ideas! This modern presentation is the tool you need to make your pitch deck stand out and impress...
Simple, but stylish. And this is what these slides convey, which come with several layouts to create your business card, with your most relevant information. Name and surname, email, phone number and your website. Done! Combine this with your logo and the minimalist decorations we've included and voila! Everyone will...
Preeclampsia is a condition that affects people who are pregnant. It causes high blood pressure, kidney damage and even other signs of organ damage. When should you expect it? You should be looking for these symptoms around the 20th week of pregnancy. Now you might be worried about how this...
May 8, 1945 was a historic day because the Allies of World War II accepted the unconditional surrender of Nazi Germany in the European theater. Teaching about Victory in Europe Day is an essential history class because knowing our history prevents us from repeating it. Discover this black and white...
Your business plan says everything about your company. It is the document in which you should collect all the important information about it, such as the business overview, the state of the market and the competition, your sales and marketing plan and the operations and financial plan. If you need...
The key driver of medical breakthroughs is research, and one important part of scientific research are clinical cases. For example, when it comes to pregnancy losses, understanding the factors that lead to this complication will help future women avoid them and have a healthy delivery. In addition, it can also...
Raise awareness on lung cancer with this template and join the events during September 10th to 17th for the European Lung Cancer Week. During these 7 days, lots of talks, conferences and informative events will be held where both health professionals and people who want to be informed can learn...
Sophistication is key when you try to sell your product or service. If you are trying to sell any sort of product or service, it is a good idea to make use of elegant designs… also in your presentation! Have a look at this template and get as many clients...
When a person goes through a complicated grief, the painful emotions of the loss of a loved one do not improve with time, it is a state of constant and intensified grief. We have created this complete minimalist template so that you can defend your thesis on this important topic....
With this set of infographics, the intention is clear. Just like we said in the description of the parent template, "focus on your message and leave the design to Slidesgo". As simple as that. All the slids included, and all the diagrams, calendars, maps, graphs, tables and gauges, use two...