Search results for contemporary art

Here you have 7 templates based on your search of contemporary art. Enjoy them!

Contemporary Art Museum Project Proposal

Download the "Contemporary Art Museum Project Proposal" presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides. A well-crafted proposal can be the key factor in determining the success of your project. It's an opportunity to showcase your ideas, objectives, and plans in a clear and concise manner, and to convince others to invest...

Contemporary Dance Portfolio

A dancer portfolio should showcase creativity and technical skill with just the visuals. The movement of dance should enter through the eyes with cool resources that simulate this kind of art. Show off your best moves with this modern template of flowy and striking design and impress potential employers with...

Art Portfolio

Here at Slidesgo we think that art is one of the most beautiful things in this world. Art is in our DNA, so we’d like to help our fellow artists boost their portfolios with this new free template we’ve just designed.

Modern Art Museum Company Profile

Do you love the world of culture and run or want to open a modern art museum? With this company profile template you will make more people want to visit it. Its design is abstract in style, very much in line with the theme. Its cream-colored background brings joy, and...

All About Asia Portfolio

The art from Asia is breathtaking… the amount of detail they put into everything they do is so rewarding to see. Do you want to convey this feeling of perfection and beauty in your portfolio? Then this template is the perfect for you! It has a simple design with a...

Light Academia Marble Sculptor Portfolio

What an amazing portfolio, it feels like Michelangelo himself after sculpting his David, made this template! Well, it wasn't Michelangelo, but it's close, as it has been designed by the amazing designers at Slidesgo. Speaking of sculptures and art... This design will allow you to present your portfolio as a...

Painter Portfolio

If you combine blue with yellow, you will get green. If you combine this presentation with your content, you will surprise everyone! With this watercolor style template, you can customize your portfolio about your experience as a painter. We have included different resources, such as images related to the theme,...
