Search results for celebrity

Here you have 7 templates based on your search of celebrity. Enjoy them!

Famous Celebrity Portfolio

Get inspired by the best of the best! This portfolio template has been designed to give you an elegant and professional look. It features a minimalist, soft, and cute design that will make an impact! Perfect for a famous celebrity or someone that wants to give off a vibe like...

Corporate Celebration

Download the "Corporate Celebration" presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides. The world of business encompasses a lot of things! From reports to customer profiles, from brainstorming sessions to sales—there's always something to do or something to analyze. This customizable design, available for Google Slides and PowerPoint, is what you were...

Business Meeting to Celebrate First Woman Telemarketer Day

Do you know who was the first woman telemarketer in the U.S.? Yes, Emma M. Nutt was the first one ever in the history. She became a telephone operator in 1878 and had worked for 33 years in the sector. She def. deserves a special day that is fully dedicated...

Celebrating Effective Communications Month

Effective communication is key to the success of any relationship, whether personal or professional. If you want to review the different forms of communication throughout history, as well as highlight important facts and report on the latest developments in this field, we propose this abstract style template. It has waves...

Celebration Portfolio

Sometimes, it just feels fulfilling to show your own achievements and see how far you've gotten. Do you think that may make you look conceited? We think it's an opportunity for clients or recruiters to find out that you're a great professional. This cheerful template is for portfolios. Yes, for...

Sea Freight Company Project Proposal to Celebrate World Maritime Day

September 29 is the World Maritime Day and the theme of this year is 'New technologies for greener shipping'. That means that it’s the perfect opportunity to make a project proposal for your sea freight company. We designed this blue-colored business template that just reminds us of the ocean. Also,...

Project Proposal to Celebrate National Franchise Appreciation Day

There are so many franchises in the world! So, so many with different names, colors, products… It’s impossible to name them all, but we owe them so much, don’t we? Our favorite products come from big or small franchises at the end of the day. Why not celebrate an appreciation...
