Search results for modern

Here you have 154 templates based on your search of modern. Enjoy them!

Modern Advertising Poster

Download the "Modern Advertising Poster" presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides and take your marketing projects to the next level. This template is the perfect ally for your advertising strategies, launch campaigns or report presentations. Customize your content with ease, highlight your ideas and captivate your audience with a professional...

Simple Modern Style Student Book

Hey, this modern style fits like a glove! We're talking about this new template and its design, which offers its own take on geometric approaches. It's been designed to be printed, so read the instructions carefully and then customize everything! And we mean everything, from the cover to the titles,...

Learning Situation 9 - Language and Literature - 6th Grade

Download the Learning Situation 9 - Language and Literature - 6th Grade presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides and teach with confidence. Sometimes, teachers need a little bit of help, and there's nothing wrong with that. We're glad to lend you a hand! Since Slidesgo is committed to making education...

Pastel Portfolio

Having a very creative portfolio opens a lot of doors, more than you think. We've created this template for those who want to showcase their work and skills. As always, the Memphis graphic style will help you grab attention, and the pastel colors too! Mention your studies, add images of...

A4 16:9
Printable Pharmaceutical Prescription

Do you work in healthcare? Are you looking for a way to hand out medical prescriptions that do not look dull? We have created a template with printable designs of prescriptions, just in case you want to add a more personal touch to them. The format of the slides is...

Simple & Printable Portfolio for Designers

This template will be the museum that holds all of your masterpieces: its different slides will guide future clients or recruiters through your experience in design, your best works and your studies. This template is completely editable and printable, just in case you want to have a physical version of...

Optician Resume

Download the Optician Resume presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides. Having a good CV can make all the difference in landing your dream job. It's not just a piece of paper, it's your chance to showcase your skills, experience, and personality. If you want to stand out from the crowd...

Product Data Sheet Design

Download the "Product Data Sheet Design" presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides and take your marketing projects to the next level. This template is the perfect ally for your advertising strategies, launch campaigns or report presentations. Customize your content with ease, highlight your ideas and captivate your audience with a...

Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month Brochure

Let's work together to come up with medical breakthroughs regarding pancreatic cancer! November is Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month, and in Slidesgo we've decided to create this template for brochures, which in turn can be used to give information about the pancreas and cancer. The more people aware of this, the...

Shining Gradient Style: Student Book

If you always wanted to design your own student book so that it doesn't look so bland, we have a template that will grant you that wish. It's so colorful that you'll get the opposite of bland! The use of gradients on the backgrounds features the full spectrum of colors....

Musician CV

If music is your passion and you have decided to also make it your occupation, most probably you’re a creative person that will appreciate the uniqueness of this CV template. Do you know who else will these slides captive? Every recruiter that reads it! Add your information and customize it...

Subjects Dividers for College Ring Binders

University can be overwhelming, with so many classes, new schedules, new professors, etc. But don't worry, because at Slidesgo we want to make it a little easier for you. For this we have created this template in A4 format with subject dividers that you can put in your binder. This...

Design Software Interface CV

Do you need to renew the design of your CV? Check out this proposal from Slidesgo. It has a modern design, in green color, with gradients, and is very visual. We have included icons and text boxes with white background to make it stand out even more against the background....

Printable & Buildable CV Cube: Teacher

Have you ever thought of having a CV like no other person has? We've released several résumé templates in the past so that you can create one in the form of a presentation, but this template will allow you to create it as a cube! Each face of the cube...

Modern Food Menu

Download the Modern Food Menu presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides and start impressing your audience with a creative and original design. Slidesgo templates like this one here offer the possibility to convey a concept, idea or topic in a clear, concise and visual way, by using different graphic resources....

Neon-Broschüre für die Universität

Die Universität ermöglicht dir den Zugang zu einem höheren Bildungsniveau und ist der Ausgangspunkt für deine Berufswahl. Mit einer Broschüre kannst du über den Campus und das Studienangebot informieren - jetzt kennst du den Zweck dieser Vorlage! Beginne mit der individuellen Gestaltung und schicke es an die Druckerei. Es hat...

Racial Diversity Ethics & Values Booklet

This set of slides in A4 format will be very useful to convey your information on ethics and values, specifically on the topic of racial diversity. We live in a society where there is diversity in all the people that form it, that is what makes the human being unique!...

Consequentialism - Ethics & Values Booklet

Philosophy, ethics and values are one of the most important areas of study for people of all ages. This template is ideal to create a booklet on consequentialism that’s elegant, understated and full of interesting visual touches. Its design adds touches of blue to every slide without overshadowing the written...