Search results for retro

Here you have 4 templates based on your search of retro. Enjoy them!

Work-Life Balance Thesis Defense

In order to have a productive life, both at home and at your workplace, you must attain a work-life balance. Do you need a presentation to talk about this matter, and more specifically during a thesis defense or similar? You'll be glad to use this template, because eye-catching it is!...

Steampunk Vehicles: a Retrofuturistic 19th-Century Aesthetic Thesis Defense

Do you know what steampunk is? There are so many different cultural movements and this is a very popular one! We’re talking about retrofuturism, where futurism and the past mix to create an interesting combination. It usually takes place after the second industrial revolution with a science fictional atmosphere. This...

Web3 Architecture Thesis

The world of internet is in constant evolution. Have you heard about "Web3"? It's like a new version of the World Wide Web based on blockchain, data "chained" together with cryptography. It's a concept that sounds too difficult to explain with just a couple of lines. So here's our idea:...

Utopia Thesis Defense

Do you know what an utopia is? It’s living in a perfect world where society prospers and everyone is content with what they have. Economy, religion, technology… everything works out for the best outcome for humanity. If you’re interested in this topic and you want to talk about it, you...
