Search results for celebrity

Here you have 5 templates based on your search of celebrity. Enjoy them!

Muslim Festivities and Celebrations Thesis

Download the Muslim Festivities and Celebrations Thesis presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides. Congratulations, you have finally finished your research and made it to the end of your thesis! But now comes the big moment: the thesis defense. You want to make sure you showcase your research in the best...

Celebrities and Political Activism Thesis

Celebrities have the power to share ideas with lots of people at the same time and be heard. They are rolemodels for lots of people and can shape the overall ideas of entire social groups. That’s why they have the responsibility to do activism for movements that try to improve...

Eisteddfod: Wales' Cultural Celebration - Thesis Defense

Picture yourself sitting down, listening to some music and poetry with many people that share the same interest with you… It sounds like a fantasy book moment, doesn’t it? Well, the era even fits! Because this festivity we’re talking about started in medieval times! We’re talking of course about the...

Awareness Overfishing Conference to Celebrate World Fisheries Day

Fishing opened us a door to lots of nutrients and flavours, and it was sustainable to a certain point for some centuries. But the situation nowadays is that overfishing is destroying our oceans, ecosystems and our planet. Have you investigated about it and want to prepare a conference in the...

Lynx Protection Thesis Defense to Celebrate International Day of the Iberian Lynx

When thinking of Spain (and Portugal in this case), the bull always comes to mind. That's OK, but maybe we should think of the Iberian lynx, instead? This is an endangered species, so we should do all we can to protect it. Ready to show a summary of your thesis...
