Search results for modern art

Here you have 5 templates based on your search of modern art. Enjoy them!

Matisse Vibes Social Media Strategy

Download the "Matisse Vibes Social Media Strategy" presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides. How do you use social media platforms to achieve your business goals? If you need a thorough and professional tool to plan and keep track of your social media strategy, this fully customizable template is your ultimate...

Graffiti Design Social Media Strategy

Design a jaw-dropping social media strategy with our funky and stylish Google Slides and PowerPoint template! This one comes in an extra edgy graffiti-inspired design and has been designed for trendsetters and brands who want to make a real statement online. Whether you're a social media newbie or a seasoned...

Manga Artist Profile Social Media

Have you noticed how popular manga is becoming all across the world? If you are a Japanese-style comic book author and want to improve your presence in social media, you can try editing this template. Define your own profile and tell your potential clients how you work or how they...

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Musicians Social Media Strategy

Download the "Musicians Social Media Strategy" presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides. How do you use social media platforms to achieve your business goals? If you need a thorough and professional tool to plan and keep track of your social media strategy, this fully customizable template is your ultimate solution....

Edinburgh International Shows IG Stories for Performers & Musicians

In the first week of August, Edinburgh, Scotland is full of music, theaters and people form worldwide. This festival started in 1947 for the first time, which was just after the World War II to console people and revive Scottish culture. Currently, it became one of the most popular festivals...
