Search results for celebrity

Here you have 96 templates based on your search of celebrity. Enjoy them!

Agriculture 101 for Elementary: Celebrating Build a Scarecrow Day

Download the Agriculture 101 for Elementary: Celebrating Build a Scarecrow Day presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides and easily edit it to fit your own lesson plan! Designed specifically for elementary school education, this eye-catching design features engaging graphics, and age-appropriate fonts; elements that capture the students' attention and make...

Emotional Intelligence Subject for Middle School: Celebrating World Smile Day

Show us your best smile! Smiling releases endorphins, it’s so healthy and makes you feel so good. Did you know there’s a day dedicated to it? Well, there is: World Smile Day! Maybe it’s a good opportunity to think about feelings and have a little introspective moment. This would work...

Elementary Activities to Celebrate National Poetry Month

Download the "Elementary Activities to Celebrate National Poetry Month" presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides and easily edit it to fit your own lesson plan! Designed specifically for elementary school education, this eye-catching design features engaging graphics and age-appropriate fonts; elements that capture the students' attention and make the learning...

Fantastic Fiction Reading Practice for Elementary: Celebrating Halflings Day

Encouraging elementary school students to read is all-important, and this template celebrating Halflings Day is a surefire way to succeed! With the look of an ancient document on weathered paper and with illustrations that evoke fantasy landscapes, this is a great backdrop where you can add your own content about...

Social Studies, Politics & Citizenship Lesson to Celebrate World Democracy Day in Middle School

Democracy is a political system that defends the sovereignty of the people and their right to elect and control their rulers. Prepare an unforgettable class of social studies, politics and citizenship for your middle school students to celebrate World Democracy Day with this template that has a geometric design. In...

Celebrating World Teachers' Day

What would we do without the hard work of teachers and educators? Here's a template that you can customize to have a presentation dedicated to them! There's a World Teachers' Day set by UNESCO, but certain countries also have their own National Teacher Day too. Use these slides to talk...

Middle School Activities to Celebrate National Poetry Month

Download the "Middle School Activities to Celebrate National Poetry Month" presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides. If you’re looking for a way to motivate and engage students who are undergoing significant physical, social, and emotional development, then you can’t go wrong with an educational template designed for Middle School by...

Let's Celebrate Carnival Season at School

Download the "Let's Celebrate Carnival Season at School" presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides. The education sector constantly demands dynamic and effective ways to present information. This template is created with that very purpose in mind. Offering the best resources, it allows educators or students to efficiently manage their presentations...

Let's Celebrate International Creativity Month!

Have you already thought about your New Year's resolutions? How about starting off on the right foot, proposing to be very creative in everything you do? January is International Creativity Month, because there is nothing better than starting the year with a touch of originality and creativity in your activities....

High School Home Activities to Celebrate Family Day

Family Day is a special event where everything stops and you get to enjoy some quality time with your brothers, sisters, parents, grandparents, cousins… What are their favourite activities? What food do they love? What are their favourite sports? Speak about your family and prepare a fun evening with this...

Elementary Activities to Celebrate Children's Book Day

Download the "Elementary Activities to Celebrate Children's Book Day" presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides and easily edit it to fit your own lesson plan! Designed specifically for elementary school education, this eye-catching design features engaging graphics and age-appropriate fonts; elements that capture the students' attention and make the learning...

Let's Celebrate Children's Day at School!

Children's Day is a celebration that is observed on different days depending on the country, but a clear date is November 20, because that same day, in 1959, the UN approved the Declaration of the Rights of the Child, becoming a key date and the date of celebration in some...

Traditional South American Games to Celebrate National Play Outside Day in Preschool

What games do kids usually play outdoors in South America? Do you know about "rayuela" or "canicas" or "trompo"? What if we said "hopscotch", "marbles" and "spinning top"? Agora sim! If you want to celebrate National Play Outside Day, download this very colorful template and talk about these traditional games....

Foreign Language Subject for Elementary: Let's Celebrate Weltkindertag - Germany Children's Day

Celebrate Children’s Day with a fun presentation like this one that you can fill with games, pictures, illustrations or fun facts. This special event is celebrated in Germany every June 1st, a date where the littlest ones are the protagonists. This cute presentation includes lots of beautiful illustrations of children...

Pre-K Teacher Appreciation Activities to Celebrate Teacher's Day

Thank you, teacher, for all you've done for us! These are the words your students will say that will make you feel moved. This template is for Teacher's Day—it can be used by students (or their parents) to prepare some kind of surprise for the teacher, or it can be...

Performing Arts Subject for Elementary - 3rd Grade: Activities to Celebrate Random Acts of Poetry Day

We have tried to be poets but failed. It’s time to admit it, our strength is to design templates like this one so that people who known about art, literature and poetry can prepare visual, interesting presentations. Prepare some activities for the Random Acts of Poetry Day and turn your...

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Language Arts Subject for High School - Let's Celebrate Hannukah

It’s always great to learn about different cultures, traditions and religions! Hannukah, or also known as the festival of lights is the most important festivity for Jewish people. During this festivity, which takes place on the 25th day of Kislev, or around Christmas time for Christians. Kindling the Hanukkah lights,...

Emotional Intelligence Subject for Pre-K: Activities to Celebrate World Smile Day

Smile! Why? Because laughter is miraculous! Well, you should also show your smile because the first Friday of every October is World Smile Day. Slidesgo team members love this day, and we're so happy... we want you to pass that joy on to your preschoolers! To do so, you can...
