Search results for sindrome de down

Here you have 7 templates based on your search of sindrome de down. Enjoy them!

Post-intensive Care Syndrome

Post-intensive care syndrome, also known as PICS, is a series of symptoms that people who have stayed for long in intensive care units suffer. They might experience cognitive and physical impairment, a part of mental issues due to the traumatic experience. Speak about how this situation can affect those patients...

Universal Hepatitis C Treatment Breakthrough

Do you want to present new findings in the search for a universal treatment for hepatitis C? Do you want to present them in a creative and original way to attract the attention of your audience? You don't know how to do it? Slidesgo brings you the solution! Here is...

Editing of Genes Breakthrough

Please make way, science is coming at full speed! It's usually a good idea to use visual representations of data instead of just copying and pasting them into a slide. That's just what humans prefer, it's in their DNA! Speaking of which, if there has been a new breakthrough on...

Nephrotic Syndrome Management Case Report

Download the "Nephrotic Syndrome Management Case Report" presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides. A clinical case is more than just a set of symptoms and a diagnosis. It is a unique story of a patient, their experiences, and their journey towards healing. Each case is an opportunity for healthcare professionals...

Clinical Case 01-2023

Present your clinical case to the medical community with this dynamic and engaging presentation by Slidesgo. Who said science can’t be creative and fun?

World Down Syndrome Day

March 21 marks World Down Syndrome Day, a human condition that affects people all over the world. If Down syndrome cases are treated at an early age, despite the difficulties, these people can achieve everything they set out to do and their condition is not an impediment. For this reason,...

Shigellosis Disease

Shigellosis is a bacterial disease that affects your digestive system. The symptoms include stomach pain, diarrea and fever and it’s very contagious. Maybe the name doesn’t sound that familiar, but it’s a worldwide problem with million of cases every year. Speak about this disease, its symptoms, treatments and causes with...
