Search results for modern

Here you have 252 templates based on your search of modern. Enjoy them!

MP3 Music App Pitch Deck

Download the MP3 Music App Pitch Deck presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides. Whether you're an entrepreneur looking for funding or a sales professional trying to close a deal, a great pitch deck can be the difference-maker that sets you apart from the competition. Let your talent shine out thanks...

Minimalist Grayscale Pitch Deck

Having a bit of trouble attracting investors? A pitch deck is what you need, or more precisely, a minimalist grayscale one, like the one we've just designed. If you like a little bit of geometry in your slides, you'll find triangular and rectangular shapes. If you like photos too, there...

Simple and Elegant Gradients Pitch Deck

Download the "Simple and Elegant Gradients Pitch Deck" presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides. Whether you're an entrepreneur looking for funding or a sales professional trying to close a deal, a great pitch deck can be the difference-maker that sets you apart from the competition. Let your talent shine out...

Cycle Diagrams Theme for a Pitch Deck

Download the "Cycle Diagrams Theme for a Pitch Deck" presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides. Whether you're an entrepreneur looking for funding or a sales professional trying to close a deal, a great pitch deck can be the difference-maker that sets you apart from the competition. Let your talent shine...

Virtual Sandbox Pitch Deck

If you work for a company in the technology or IT sector and want to pitch your new ideas, you might want to take a look at this template. The theme is clear right from the beginning: computers. The backgrounds feature gradients that go from blue to purple, and some...

Architecture Studio Pitch Deck

A creative space where architects, designers, and engineers come together to collaborate, brainstorm, and innovate. Really, step into any architecture studio, and you'll be greeted with a flurry of activity, with models being built, sketches being drawn and plans being reviewed. Promote yours and avoid being left in the dust!...

Freesia Pitch Deck

To pitch successfully, you should first set your viewers in a positive mood. Our latest template aims to help you do just that by energizing your audience and is perfect for startups looking to attract investors or potential partners for a project.

Bank Loan Pitch Deck

Without money, the dreams of many cannot be made a reality. Similarly, securing funds for a business venture can be a daunting task. If investors aren't enough, you might need a bank loan. That's where this pitch deck template can come in handy. This powerful tool is designed to showcase...

Modern & Persuasive Pitch Deck

Download the Modern & Persuasive Pitch Deck presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides. Whether you're an entrepreneur looking for funding or a sales professional trying to close a deal, a great pitch deck can be the difference-maker that sets you apart from the competition. Let your talent shine out thanks...

Retail Startup Pitch Deck

Running a startup and embarking yourself on a new adventure is very exciting, and we know how popular online shopping is nowadays. Slidesgo can provide you with an excellent presentation design with this pitch deck template, so check it out!

Automotive Industry Pitch Deck

Download the "Automotive Industry Pitch Deck" presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides. Whether you're an entrepreneur looking for funding or a sales professional trying to close a deal, a great pitch deck can be the difference-maker that sets you apart from the competition. Let your talent shine out thanks to...

Music App Pitch Deck

There’s a language that can be understood all over the world: none other than music! If you want to present a pitch deck about a music app and want to do it convincingly like a professional, Slidesgo can help you.

Cost Reduction in Manufacturing Industry Pitch Deck

Download the "Cost Reduction in Manufacturing Industry Pitch Deck" presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides. Whether you're an entrepreneur looking for funding or a sales professional trying to close a deal, a great pitch deck can be the difference-maker that sets you apart from the competition. Let your talent shine...

Pitch Deck Minitheme

Download the Pitch Deck Minitheme presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides and start impressing your audience with a creative and original design. Slidesgo templates like this one here offer the possibility to convey a concept, idea or topic in a clear, concise and visual way, by using different graphic resources....

Shared Workspace Pitch Deck

Use this template to create a pitch deck that endorses shared workspaces. Show the positive aspects of coworking and its benefits, as well as growth, a SWOT analysis and information about your company in general. There are graphs, infographics and icons to take the visual content to the next level!

Investments & Securities Pitch Deck

Do you have some extra money that you don't intend to spend for now? How about investing in something? But investments must be done wisely, and that's where you come into play. Get this template and use it to give a presentation about investments and how to do them right!...

IT Security Hacker Pitch Deck

Download the IT Security Hacker Pitch Deck presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides. Whether you're an entrepreneur looking for funding or a sales professional trying to close a deal, a great pitch deck can be the difference-maker that sets you apart from the competition. Let your talent shine out thanks...

AI Speech Classifier Pitch Deck

Download the AI Speech Classifier Pitch Deck presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides. Whether you're an entrepreneur looking for funding or a sales professional trying to close a deal, a great pitch deck can be the difference-maker that sets you apart from the competition. Let your talent shine out thanks...
