Search results for celebrity

Here you have 5 templates based on your search of celebrity. Enjoy them!

Elementary Activities to Celebrate National Poetry Month

Download the "Elementary Activities to Celebrate National Poetry Month" presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides and easily edit it to fit your own lesson plan! Designed specifically for elementary school education, this eye-catching design features engaging graphics and age-appropriate fonts; elements that capture the students' attention and make the learning...

Performing Arts Subject for Elementary - 3rd Grade: Activities to Celebrate Random Acts of Poetry Day

We have tried to be poets but failed. It’s time to admit it, our strength is to design templates like this one so that people who known about art, literature and poetry can prepare visual, interesting presentations. Prepare some activities for the Random Acts of Poetry Day and turn your...

A4 16:9
Activities to Celebrate International Music Day in Pre-K

Convey the importance of music to the little ones at school! October 1 is International Music Day and you can celebrate it in your preschool classes. However, talking about the historical facts of the day is perhaps more appropriate content for higher levels. Children want to play! Well, with this...

Writing Activities for High School to Celebrate Handwriting Day

With technology and digital forms of communication finally becoming the standard, it may seem like handwriting is a skill that's become a relic, only preserved in our grandparents' generation. But never fear, because Handwriting Day is here! Yes, it's a whole day dedicated to remembering the importance of having good...

Performing Arts Subject for Elementary - 3rd Grade: Activities to Celebrate Random Acts of Poetry Day Infographics

Come on, don't be afraid. It's a template, it's a parade. In honor of Poetry Day. It's time to play! See? It's not difficult to come up with some rhymes... What's difficult is to create a beautiful poem, but that's something that comes with experience. Editing these infographics is also...
