Search results for cartoon

Here you have 20 templates based on your search of cartoon. Enjoy them!

Leisure Activities and Entertainment - Spanish - Foreign Language - 7th Grade

Download the "Leisure Activities and Entertainment - Spanish - Foreign Language - 7th Grade" presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides. If you’re looking for a way to motivate and engage students who are undergoing significant physical, social, and emotional development, then you can’t go wrong with an educational template designed...

Funny Notepad Minitheme

A notepad is very handy! I have to do these tasks. noted on the notepad! The keyboard shortcut for copying is Ctrl+C. Noted too! I changed the email password, so, to avoid forgetting it, I'm going to write it do... NO! NOT THAT! But for the rest of the things...

Percents and Proportional Relationships - 7th Grade

Download the "Percents and Proportional Relationships - 7th Grade" presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides. If you’re looking for a way to motivate and engage students who are undergoing significant physical, social, and emotional development, then you can’t go wrong with an educational template designed for Middle School by Slidesgo!...

Career Day for Elementary Students Infographics

Download the Career Day for Elementary Students Infographics template for PowerPoint or Google Slides and discover the power of infographics. An infographic resource gives you the ability to showcase your content in a more visual way, which will make it easier for your audience to understand your topic. Slidesgo infographics...

Activities for Introducing Yourself in Class

Download the Activities for Introducing Yourself in Class presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides and learn something new today. Lessons and classes are great and all, but school life is more than that, isn't it? For example, how do you prepare for an exam? Or how do you apply to...

Development of Thinking Skills for Pre-K

Are you ready to ignite the spark of thinking in your pre-k students? LThis template is designed specifically for the development of thinking skills in young children. With our unique and fun design, your students will be engaged before they even know it. Say goodbye to stale and dull presentations...

The Half and the Quarter. Manipulative Activities

Download the The Half and the Quarter. Manipulative Activities presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides and teach with confidence. Sometimes, teachers need a little bit of help, and there's nothing wrong with that. We're glad to lend you a hand! Since Slidesgo is committed to making education better for everyone,...

Aream Interactive Planner

A new school planner is here, you can change it now! We love to create these interactive templates, which tie the different slides together. Calendars and timetables are included for each day of the week, and a good amount of illustrations from Stories by Freepik will give your planner a...

Today's Cartoon and Cozy Planner

Life can be easier with some organization! Now that you are comfortable at home and you have some free time, take the opportunity to organize your calendar. Put on some background music, make yourself a hot drink and dedicate a few hours to organize your daily taks. To make the...

Organizers to Improve Your Persuasive Writing

Persuasive writing is continuously used in marketing and sales, but it is a technique that can also be applied to the educational field and, in general, to everything, since it helps us to convince and achieve our goals. In this template we have included notes that you can edit to...

Career Day for Elementary Students

Career Day is a great opportunity to get elementary school students thinking and talking, and this template is a great way to facilitate that. Its fun and colorful illustrations show people giving speeches and presenting facts, and with decorative touches adding an element of unpredictability to every slide, it always...

Activities to Celebrate International Music Day in Pre-K

Convey the importance of music to the little ones at school! October 1 is International Music Day and you can celebrate it in your preschool classes. However, talking about the historical facts of the day is perhaps more appropriate content for higher levels. Children want to play! Well, with this...

Emotional Intelligence and Anger Management Tips for Elementary Students

Today you are going to work on emotions in class! However, both you and we know that talking about complicated psychological concepts in an elementary class is not going to work as well as in other educational levels. For this reason, we propose you to do it with sticker activities,...

School Subjects and Classroom Objects - Spanish - 2nd Grade

Download the "School Subjects and Classroom Objects - Spanish - 2nd Grade" presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides and easily edit it to fit your own lesson plan! Designed specifically for elementary school education, this eye-catching design features engaging graphics and age-appropriate fonts; elements that capture the students' attention and...

Learning Situation 8 - Language and Literature - 3rd Grade

Download the Learning Situation 8 - Language and Literature - 3rd Grade presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides and prepare to receive useful information. Even though teachers are responsible for disseminating knowledge to their students, they also embarked on a learning journey since the day they decided to dedicate themselves...

Phonics and Word Recognition - Language Arts - 2nd Grade Infographics

Infographics help presenting information in a clearer way. There’s no doubt that a presentation about phonics and word recognition will definitely be boosted with the right resources! Try these infographics out! Use the syllables and icons to make this lesson clear and help your student’s grasp these language concepts easily....

Word Work Activities

Mastering a language is not an easy task! Many students have a difficult time learning some utterances… Increase your pupils’ vocabulary with this Word Work Activities presentation!

Phonics and Word Recognition - Language Arts - 2nd Grade

Phonics teaches children how to connect sounds and letters, enabling them to decode words with confidence and fluency. It's practically a stepping stone in a child's development. To facilitate the teaching of phonics, we've got this nice template, designed for young audiences like elementary schoolers! Each slide, as you can...
