Search results for street art

Here you have 5 templates based on your search of street art. Enjoy them!

Art Subject for Elementary: Visual Arts

Slidesgo is back to help you foster some art skills among your students! The template we're presenting today is a beautifully crafted one. We've used some watercolor-like visuals to mimic this technique—just look at the slides! They're lovely, and are totally ready to hold your content. You can use this,...

Post 16:9
Piet Art History Lesson

Use this Piet art history template to explain the career of this creative Dutch avant-garde painter to your students. The design is based on his work, with geometric abstract shapes in bright blue, yellow and red colors. In addition, we have added illustrations related to the theme. You can include...

Arts Subject for Elementary - 2nd Grade: Theater

Oh, theater, what a beautiful art! Wouldn't you think it would be great to organize a theater lesson? Your wish is my command! Slidesgo brings you a template to teach a theater lesson to your elementary school students. This presentation is very original, as it is designed in a very...

Language Arts Subject for Elementary - 1st Grade: Playtime in the Park

Are you wondering how to teach your little students the local prepositions? Well, ON this template you will find the RIGHT exercises! There is only one click BETWEEN you and your finished lesson, so what is there LEFT to do? Oh right, hitting DOWNload on this fun, colorful and creative...

Art Subject for Middle School - 8th Grade: Drawing

Is drawing a fun activity? Yes it is! The sooner you start practicing your drawing skills, the better if you want to be an artist. Some natural talent is also required, but to customize our newest template for art lessons, you won't need any special skills! We've optimized the design...
