Rome Presentation templates

It all started with Romulus and Remus, through the construction of the Colosseum and the Roman Empire to become one of the most visited cities in Italy and the whole world. That's right, we're talking about Rome! Let the magic of the Eternal City capture you with these creative designs!

Social Studies for Middle School: The Founding of Ancient Rome & Rome's Early History

There’s lots of myths that try to give an explanation for the foundation of Rome, but what is the real evidence? Prepare a visual and creative presentation for your next history lesson with this unique template made for teachers. It includes lots of resources and the design of the slides...

Social Studies for Middle School: The Five Good Emperors of Rome & The Nervan-Antonine Dynasty

This Roman Empire template is a great way to introduce students to the famous Roman emperors, specially the Nerva-Antonine dynasty. Its soft pastel blue design and delicate illustrations of columns and olive branches will create the perfect setting to teach your students about fun facts and the basics about this...

Social Studies & Archeology Subject for Elementary: Ancient Rome's Monuments & Architecture

Gladiators, the lesson begins! Do your elementary school students have a hard time learning the architectural orders? Is it very difficult for them to learn about different monuments of Ancient Rome? Well, following Julius Caesar's words "veni, vidi, presentation template" (well, maybe it wasn't like that) we bring you the...

Ancient Rome: History & Legacy

Download the Ancient Rome: History & Legacy presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides. High school students are approaching adulthood, and therefore, this template’s design reflects the mature nature of their education. Customize the well-defined sections, integrate multimedia and interactive elements and allow space for research or group projects — the...

Women in Ancient Rome: Facts, Daily Life & History - Bachelor Thesis

If there's an empire that has transcended all others in history, at least in popularity in media, that is the Roman Empire. Now we're in the 21st century, but there are issues that from the past that might be relevant in today's world. For example, how did women live in...

Rome Monuments Tour MK Campaign

They say that all roads lead to Rome and we are not surprised, because who would not want to get lost in the streets of the Eternal City? Capital of emperors, full of monuments such as the Colosseum, Fontana di Trevi, Spanish Steps, Pantheon... You won't need to convince the...

Ancient Roman Culture Minitheme

Jupiter (besides being the biggest planet in the Solar System) was named after the Roman god the skies and lightning. Although we know that if you frequently visit Slidesgo these phrases will ring a bell. Indeed, the planets are named after Roman gods, deities that were the true protagonists of...

Social Studies Subject for High School - 10th Grade: Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome

Do you know who Zeus was? And Jupiter? What if we told you that they were the same god? Let us help you gather all the pieces of your mind that has just exploded. Now that you're in top shape again, download this new template and use it to give...

Language Arts for Middle School: Latin Declensions

Latin declensions can be a bunch of "-ae, -is, -orum" jumbled together, which, a priori, make no sense at all. But, as you dig deeper, you discover all the meaning they have and how Latin, with its declensions and cases, is the father of the Romance languages. This minimalist template...

Legacy of Roman Mythology Bachelor's Thesis

Your thesis defense is one of the final steps before achieving academic success. We know that you have worked very hard, and we want to make the process easier for you with this romantic template that we have designed for you to present your thesis on the legacy of Roman...

Rome Map Infographics

Download the Rome Map Infographics template for PowerPoint or Google Slides and discover the power of infographics. An infographic resource gives you the ability to showcase your content in a more visual way, which will make it easier for your audience to understand your topic. Slidesgo infographics like this set...

Travel Guide: Roma

Download the Travel Guide: Roma presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides and start impressing your audience with a creative and original design. Slidesgo templates like this one here offer the possibility to convey a concept, idea or topic in a clear, concise and visual way, by using different graphic resources....

Social Studies for Middle School: Transportation in Ancient Rome

Ancient Rome is one of the most fascinating periods in history, and this template about transportation during that time for middle school lives up to the splendor of those centuries! Its illustrations of Roman icons put you right in that world: chariots, the Colosseum, helmets, swords… Add your own explanations...

Roman Law Lesson for University

It's incredible how a civilization that existed 2500 years ago has made an influence on many things that we have in the present time. One of them is Roman law, which has been the basis of modern law systems in the Western world. If you need to teach law students...

Expansion and Downfall of the Roman Empire Thesis Defense

From Julius Caesar's conquest of Gaul to the infamous assassination of Emperor Caligula, the story of the Roman Empire has captivated the world for centuries. So why settle for a bland, boring presentation when you can spice it up with our Google Slides & PPT template designed specifically for a...

Italy - Homeland of the Ancient Romans

Download the Italy - Homeland of the Ancient Romans presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides and start impressing your audience with a creative and original design. Slidesgo templates like this one here offer the possibility to convey a concept, idea or topic in a clear, concise and visual way, by...

Roman Architecture Conservation Thesis Defense

Download the Roman Architecture Conservation Thesis Defense presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides. Congratulations, you have finally finished your research and made it to the end of your thesis! But now comes the big moment: the thesis defense. You want to make sure you showcase your research in the best...
