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Medical Presentation templates - Page 19

Create medical presentations with a professional design using our Google Slides and PowerPoint backgrounds. Talking about a case report or a breakthrough has never been easier.


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Formal Grayscale Medical Theme

Healthcare, nice field of study... with a little problem: hand-writing! Have you ever been able to decipher the writing of a doctor? Technology, please, lend us a hand! Alright, since we all use computers and stuff, digital writing is a thing. How about this template? It's a set of editable...


Low Birthweight: Causes and Implications

Download the Low Birthweight: Causes and Implications presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides. Taking care of yourself and of those around you is key! By learning about various illnesses and how they are spread, people can get a better understanding of them and make informed decisions about eating, exercise, and...


Neonatal ICU Medical Center

Welcoming a newborn into the world should be a joyous occasion, but for some families, it can quickly turn into a worrisome experience. That's why Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICUs) exist. If you're in charge of promoting your medical center, we have the perfect template for you. Our professional and...


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ADHD Psychology Treatment

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a complex psychological disorder that affects millions of people worldwide. We know how important it is to have the right tools to communicate effectively when it comes to presenting our research and findings. That's why we are thrilled to present this Google Slides &...


Psoriasis Disease

Download the Psoriasis Disease presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides. Taking care of yourself and of those around you is key! By learning about various illnesses and how they are spread, people can get a better understanding of them and make informed decisions about eating, exercise, and seeking medical attention....


Farm Vet Center

Farmers and ranchers would be lost without their animals. A vet specialized in farm animals is a sought-after professional for them, so this is your chance to shine! We say this because you can promote your services with this editable template. It's easy to edit, has a good number of...


Veterinary Clinic Specializing in Equine

Download the Veterinary Clinic Specializing in Equine presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides. Hospitals, private clinics, specific wards, you know where to go when in need of medical attention. Perhaps there’s a clinic specialized in treating certain issues, or a hospital in your area that is well-known for its state-of-the-art...


Nursing Management Center

A nursing management center is the ideal solution for any healthcare organization that wants to take their nursing management to their next level. Present yours with a professional and simple business tool that provides a comprehensive overview of nursing operations. Easy-to-edit and with visual resources, this template is perfect for...


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Patient Consent in Medical Practice

Let's explore an important concept in modern medicine: patient consent. In the past, this might not have been always the case, with doctors making decisions for their patients without any real input from them. But times have changed, and now we know that informed consent is key to successful treatment....


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Doodle Medical Breakthrough

We thought that a medical breakthrough needs a fun touch to present information in a cool way. Have you considered doodles? These slides have a distinctive style of handwritten letter fonts and doodle icons to give your medical information a very informal and fun look. Use it now and edit...

Male Contraceptive Pill Breakthrough

There are many ways of contraception. Do you know all of them? The most common ones are condoms, but right now there are a lot of studies looking for other more convenient ways, especially chemically. If you know the male contraceptive pill, you can now talk about it with this...


University Hospital Center

Download the University Hospital Center presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides. Hospitals, private clinics, specific wards, you know where to go when in need of medical attention. Perhaps there’s a clinic specialized in treating certain issues, or a hospital in your area that is well-known for its state-of-the-art technology. How...


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Medical Depression Disorder

Download the Medical Depression Disorder presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides. Taking care of yourself and of those around you is key! By learning about various illnesses and how they are spread, people can get a better understanding of them and make informed decisions about eating, exercise, and seeking medical...


Interactive Notes for Clinical Cases

Clinical cases are a crucial source of information for doctors and professionals of healthcare. What if you could make an interactive presentation with all the data derived from a certain case? This is what this template is for! Each slide has some buttons that redirect you to other slides. There...


Vital Signs

Download the Vital Signs presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides. High school students are approaching adulthood, and therefore, this template’s design reflects the mature nature of their education. Customize the well-defined sections, integrate multimedia and interactive elements and allow space for research or group projects—the possibilities of this engaging and...

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Geometric & Simple Medical Theme

Make your medical presentations stand out with this modern and geometric template! Perfectly suited for medical-related topics, it features a simple and stylish design in blue tones and a contemporary look. With plenty of graphical resources and a creative vibe, you can explain any medical subject in a captivating way....

Hospital Emergency Nurse

It’s fair to say that the people who enter the nursing profession are absolute heroes and constitute the backbone of societies all around the world. This Google Slides and PowerPoint template has been created to present nursing in a hospital environment. Present the responsibilities of the job, the necessary skills,...

Meningitis Vaccine Breakthrough

Download the "Meningitis Vaccine Breakthrough" presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides. Now you can also edit it online for free! Treating diseases involve a lot of prior research and clinical trials. But whenever there’s a new discovery, a revolutionary finding that opens the door to new treatments, vaccines or ways...
