App Presentation templates

Download and edit these free presentation templates to pitch a Mobile App that will drive your sales. Customize them with your content easily in Google Slides or PowerPoint and go straight to the point.


Online News App

Do you want to receive the latest news directly on your smartphone? There are apps that do that, but yours is three hundred times better! The number might be a little hyperbolic, but the fact that our template will help you a lot is not a hyperbole, but a true...


Team Collaboration App Pitck Deck

Download the "Team Collaboration App Pitck Deck" presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides. Whether you're an entrepreneur looking for funding or a sales professional trying to close a deal, a great pitch deck can be the difference-maker that sets you apart from the competition. Let your talent shine out thanks...


Language Learning App Pitch Deck

Hola! Guten Tag! Salam! Language learning is a wonderful and challenging experience. The more time you spend on it, the quicker you’ll master a new lingo. To ensure you’re never out of touch, you need resources that are accessible 24/7! If you’ve developed a language learning app and are looking...


Mobile App Dashboard Infographics

Do you want to be original when presenting information? Infographics are a powerful resource, but how about showing your data like if it were in a mobile app's dashboard? Complete with gauges, icons, gradients and silhouettes of cellphones, these designs will convey visually all the numbers, stats and key performance...


Innovative Investment App Pitch Deck

If you know how to make good financial decisions, you will know that downloading this template is the best investment for your future presentations. With this pitch deck template you can describe your idea in a simple, clear and straightforward way and convince investors to believe in your ideas. The...


MP3 Music App Pitch Deck

Download the MP3 Music App Pitch Deck presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides. Whether you're an entrepreneur looking for funding or a sales professional trying to close a deal, a great pitch deck can be the difference-maker that sets you apart from the competition. Let your talent shine out thanks...


Sleep Cycle App Pitch Deck

Do you sleep well at night? One way to control our sleep habits is with an app to record times and schedules. Yes, there are many, but surely none is as special as yours. If you want to stand out from the competition and find funding for your project, try...


Dating App Pitch Deck

They say love is in the air, and this digital age we’re living in can make things easier than ever. Dating apps are very popular, so try giving a pitch deck for your own thanks to this template by Slidesgo, full of affection and useful resources!


Purchase Order App Pitch Deck

Download the Purchase Order App Pitch Deck presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides. Whether you're an entrepreneur looking for funding or a sales professional trying to close a deal, a great pitch deck can be the difference-maker that sets you apart from the competition. Let your talent shine out thanks...


Road Traffic Accident Reporting App Pitch Deck

An app that lets users report traffic accidents easily so others can be warned? Yes, please! Pitch this brilliant idea to your prospective investors with this stylish template complete with road illustrations and traffic-related icons. Furthermore, the slides include charts and graphs, different text and pictures slides and are fully...


Antibiotic Ointment Applications

Download the Antibiotic Ointment Applications presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides and start impressing your audience with a creative and original design. Slidesgo templates like this one here offer the possibility to convey a concept, idea or topic in a clear, concise and visual way, by using different graphic resources....

Custom Pixel Lantern App

Have you developed a new app that generates sequences of lights and colors on the screen to act as a flashlight? Show it to the world with this new template. We've opted for a very eye-catchy approach, with dark backgrounds combined with colorful shapes that are animated. There are also...


Adopt a Cat App

Every day hundreds of animals are abandoned and need a new home. If you have developed an app to adopt cats and want to present it to get funding, this template is made for you. Its beautiful illustrated design will make your audience immediately feel the need to give shelter...


Music App Pitch Deck

There’s a language that can be understood all over the world: none other than music! If you want to present a pitch deck about a music app and want to do it convincingly like a professional, Slidesgo can help you.


Awesome Augmented Reality App Pitch Deck

Are you looking for a presentation for your new augmented reality app, and you are one of those who dream big? We bring you this pitch deck template that will be ideal for your big project. Its dark background highlights the colorful polka dots that decorate it and, of course,...


Virtual Learning Environment App Pitch Deck

Download the "Virtual Learning Environment App Pitch Deck" presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides. New employees can feel overwhelmed at first, trying to process their new environment, colleagues and responsibilities. Why don't you make their onboarding process a welcoming one? You can use this Google Slides theme and PowerPoint template...


Food Delivery App

The competition in the app market is fierce, but nothing like a good pitch deck to stand out and be the reference. Food delivery services are very popular right now, which means we’ve made the most of this opportunity to create this new free template for food delivery apps.


Carbs Counting App Pitch Deck

Unveiling a nutrition-themed pitch deck to get your carbs counting app out into the world! This easily editable Google Slides and PowerPoint template is perfect for showcasing your new app to potential investors. Bursting with AI-generated content, it shines in a bright and colorful green design that is as lively...
