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Genetics Presentation templates - Page 2

Some traits are passed from generations to generations just like we pass you these amazing templates for Google Slides & PowerPoint. Speak about genetics, prepare interesting lessons, workshops or give fun facts with the many editable resources we have included the slides!


Genetics Major for College: Exploring DNA and RNA

When we think of DNA, most of us picture a long and twisting double helix. But beyond its iconic structure lies a world of scientific secrets waiting to be unlocked. And what about RNA? "Never heard of it, Hulio." Its stands for ribonucleic acid, another key player in the game...

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DNA Nanotechnology Thesis Infographics

If you’ve done your thesis on DNA nanotechnology, it stands to reason that you’ll want a presentation template that’s intricately designed and reflects well how everything in this field depends on the tiniest details. Well as a first step, we created the “DNA Nanotechnology Thesis” presentation, and now you can...

Genetics - Bachelor of Science in Biological Sciences

Genetics is a fascinating and complex area of study that delves into the intricacies of how traits and characteristics are passed down from generation to generation through DNA. If you're looking to teach this engaging subject to your university students, a professional template can be a great help. This specially...

Genetics and Evolution - Science - 11th Grade

Download the "Genetics and Evolution - Science - 11th Grade" presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides. High school students are approaching adulthood, and therefore, this template’s design reflects the mature nature of their education. Customize the well-defined sections, integrate multimedia and interactive elements and allow space for research or group...

Therapeutic Potential of MicroRNA Breakthrough

Download the "Therapeutic Potential of MicroRNA Breakthrough" presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides. Treating diseases involve a lot of prior research and clinical trials. But whenever there’s a new discovery, a revolutionary finding that opens the door to new treatments, vaccines or ways to prevent illnesses, it’s great news. Should...

Genetic Engineering and Synthetic Biology Thesis Defense

Genetic engineering and synthetic biology are two rapidly emerging fields with the potential to drastically change our world. Researchers have already made incredible advances in these fields, allowing us to uncover novel biological systems and develop innovative solutions for real-world problems. If you have studied these topics, it’s time to...

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Bioethics Studies Major for College: Genetic manipulation

When it comes to biology, technology and development, we sometimes forget one of the most important issues to take into account: ethics! Where does the line stand? How far can we change our genetics and still stay human? What dangers does food genetic manipulation entail? Make a presentation and cover...

Single-gene Disorder

When it comes to disease presentations, you can count on Slidesgo because we have all kinds, to help you keep expanding scientific knowledge. Like the template we propose here, a design to talk about a single-gene disorder. This type of condition is called "single-gene" because it occurs due to an...

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DNA Replication Thesis

DNA replication is way more complicated than a simple Ctrl + C, Ctrl + V, but with this template all concepts will be as clear as water! Use this modern design when presenting an investigation about DNA and your audience will be amazed at your findings. Don’t worry about the...

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Science Subject for High School - 9th Grade: Heredity

Have you ever wondered why you have blond hair if your parents both have it too? It's a matter of genetics and heredity! Start teaching the scientists of the future (for now, your high school students) with the help of this Google Slides and PowerPoint template for science lessons. Think...

Editing of Genes Breakthrough

Please make way, science is coming at full speed! It's usually a good idea to use visual representations of data instead of just copying and pasting them into a slide. That's just what humans prefer, it's in their DNA! Speaking of which, if there has been a new breakthrough on...

Introduction of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs)

Revolutionary, valuable addition to our food or harmful health risk? Genetically modified organisms (or GMOs for short) are still an unknown quantity for many people. There’s little factual information and lots of conspiracy theories around modified crops and animals, making people cautious to say the least. This Google Slides and...

Health Major for College: Mendel and Genetic Inheritance

Pursuing a health major in college can lead to endless opportunities for growth and exploration. One particularly fascinating area of study is Mendelian genetics, which provides insight into the mechanisms of genetic inheritance. By delving deep into the science of inheritance with Mendel's studies as a foundation, students can gain...

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Genetics and DNA Research Laboratory

Genetics is the science of heredity, where we study how traits are passed down from parents to their offspring. When we say genetics, you’re probably picturing a twisted DNA spiral, aren’t you? So do we! Since genetics research is all about inheritance, genomics or genetic diseases, we thought that some...

16:9 Animated PPT

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Genetic Engineering Case Report

Research in the field of genetic engineering can take us to new ways of treating diseases, especially genetic ones, but there's still a long way ahead. Do you have the report of an interesting case on this matter? Let's see what the clinical trials gave us information-wise. Use the different...

Genetic Engineering Company Profile

As a genetic engineering company, it's important to look modern and professional. One way to achieve this is by using sleek and stylish presentation tools. With this Google Slides and PPT template, you can create a company profile that not only showcases your work, but does so in a way...

DNA: The Human Body Recipe Infographics

Explaining what DNA is and how it works can seem like a difficult task, but this infographics template is a great way to make the subject attractive, interesting and visual. Its modern design contains drawings not only of DNA strands but also scientists, microscopes and much more. The beautiful colors...

CRISPR: a Genetic Breakthrough

Hi, I’m Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats. But my friends call me CRISPR. I am also known for the famous gene editing technique that edits the genomes. It’s a complex process, but with a visual template like this one, everyone will get it at the first try! Explain how...