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Anatomy Presentation templates - Page 11

Did you know that your blood vessels could circle the entire globe? That’s right, they add up to almost 100,000km! The body has over 600 muscles! Could you name them all? Some medicine students can! Speak about anatomy with these creative templates and add fun facts in the slides, they’re completely editable!


Spina Bifida

Spina bifida is a condition that affects the spinal cord and the bones of the spine. It occurs when the embryo's neural tube does not close properly during the early stages of pregnancy. Although the exact cause of spina bifida is not known, it is believed to be a combination...

Bone Traumatism Rehabilitation Center

Crack! What was that noise? Oh, no, did you fracture a bone? Quickly, to the hospital... and then, to the rehab center! Bone fractures are quite common, but luckily they can also be treated. Are you a doctor? Let us "treat" you with a new template for presentations on medical...

Muscle Building Breakthrough

Nowadays we live in a society that takes good care of itself and looks very carefully at its lifestyle habits: how much and what it eats, avoiding sedentary lifestyles, appropriate exercise schedules, etc. If you are part of this group and want to make an exhibition to present your medical...

Medical Drama Entertainment

The camera soars over a sprawling cityscape at night. Quick shot - the exterior of a state-of-the-art hospital, where hope and despair intersect within its walls. Dr. Emily Collins, her pristine white coat now disheveled, sits huddled in the dimly lit storage closet. Tears stream down her cheeks. After a...

Osteopoikilosis Case Report

Download the Osteopoikilosis Case Report presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides. A clinical case is more than just a set of symptoms and a diagnosis. It is a unique story of a patient, their experiences, and their journey towards healing. Each case is an opportunity for healthcare professionals to exercise...

All About Digestion Lesson for High School

Introduce the fascinating world of digestion to your high school students with this modern gradient-filled lesson template. It's designed to captivate the attention of even the most reluctant learners. Engage and educate with a comprehensive rundown of the digestive system and its components. With this design, you'll have everything you...

Eczema Herpes Case Report

Preparing a presentation on an eczema herpeticum case report requires accuracy and thoroughness to ensure that you provide a comprehensive overview of the case. To help you create a remarkable presentation, we offer you an array of resources, including graphs, infographics, and a roadmap. These tools will enable you to...

Hospital Romance Show

Escape to a world where passion, heartache, and forbidden love intertwine amidst the high-stakes drama of a bustling medical setting… Dive right into your favorite hospital romance show! Want company for your guilty pleasure? This Google Slides and PowerPoint template with its distinct hospital show aesthetic embraces the addictive allure...

Medical Anatomy Poster

Download the Medical Anatomy Poster presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides. Healthcare goes beyond curing patients and combating illnesses. Raising awareness about diseases, informing people about prevention methods, discussing some good practices, or even talking about a balanced diet—there are many topics related to medicine that you could be sharing...

Biology Subject for kids: The Five Senses

We have 5 ways of interacting with the world: we can hear it, smell it, touch it, see it or taste it. What organs do we use to do all these things? Well, the eyes, the ears, the mouth… speak about the senses with this fun template for kids’ lessons!...

Digestive System Disease Breakthrough

Any breakhtrough in the investigation of a disease is cause for celebration in the scientific community, which is why we have created this complete template with which you can present your findings, explaining in detail the process of your research, the clinical trials you carried out, the trends found and...

Global Day Of People With Disabilities

December 3rd is International Day of Disabled Persons. The theme of this year (2022) is “Not All Disabilities are Visible”. It means that there can be a person who suffers from mental health disorders or chronic pain that are not visible. How to make a society where we all can...

Amblyopia: Lazy Eye

Amblyopia, also known as “lazy eye”, is a term you may have heard before but might be unsure of what it exactly is. What makes it worse? It can affect one or both eyes with no signs or symptoms – making it quite sneaky. Speak about this condition with this...

Laser Kidney Stone Surgery

If you're an expert in laser kidney stone surgery, you know the frustration that dealing with these pesky stones can present. But never fear – a template is here to help! This full collection of resources provides the perfect slides to fill in with your own information and knowledge about...

Science Subject for Elementary: Large Intestine

It is responsible for absorbing water and electrolytes from undigested food, forming solid feces, and eliminating waste from the body. Well, thanks, large intestine, for doing a necessary job! But thank you not for the appendix! Jokes aside, this is the template that we've just designed for lessons revolving around...

3D Printing Prosthesis Pitch Deck

Present your innovative 3D printing prosthesis idea with this modern and professional pitch deck. This template comes with all the slides you need, including an introduction slide, a timeline, a results slide, and more. With custom diagrams and 3D models, you can show the audience the impact that 3D printing...

ENT Breakthrough

ENT stands for otolaryngology and every new advancement in this field is invaluable. If you have a breakthrough yourself that could help shape the ENT world and make lives easier, then you're in luck! Slidesgo will provide you with a professional template to showcase your great work and information on...

World Transplant Day

The World Transplant Day is celebrated on June 6th and is a very important day for those whose life was saved by organ donors. Did you know that in America, there are over 100k people waiting for a transplant? June 6th is the perfect date to make a presentation about...