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The latest Google Slides themes and PowerPoint templates - Page 900

Download our cool PowerPoint templates and Google Slides themes to create attractive designs for your presentations. Make the most of the beautiful backgrounds and take advantage of the easy-to-edit resources included.


Edo Period Themed Printable Deck of Playing Cards

If you're looking for a fun, creative way to spice up your poker game, why not try printable playing cards themed with traditional Edo period art? This printable deck of poker playing cards is sure to bring a unique energy to your game and will wow your opponents with its...

Educational Program with LOMCE or with LOMLOE?

What has changed from LOMCE to LOMLOE? Where do you see improvements and changes for the worse? If you are an educator or a student in Spain, these questions may be of interest to you. Use this template to contrast and compare everything you know about the old educational law...

Urban Construction Company Profile

If you're a construction company looking for creative ways to showcase your company's profile, our presentation template is the perfect editable solution. Our template includes diverse elements that are sure to capture the creative and professional profile of any construction or architecture firm. With drag-and-drop features, flexible templates and tons...

Cottagecore Interior Design Guide

With its bright, cozy aesthetic and charming farmhouse style, cottagecore is one of the most popular interior design styles today, and that’s why we have a template for you here to create your very own Cottagecore Interior Design Guide! Whether your clients are interested in bright, airy rooms or cozy,...

Dot Style MK Plan

Whoever said business and creativity can't mix clearly hasn't seen this presentation template! Filled with creative dot illustrations that make a marketing plan more exciting, this template is perfect for those who are looking to make a big statement in their next presentation. It has all the elements of a...

Social Inequalities Thesis Defense

Social inequality is still a serious matter that needs to be tackled. If you have dedicated your thesis to this important social issue, make sure you are delivering a professional yet creative thesis defense! Use this template with a pink background and nice illustrations that will give your presentation an...

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Social Studies Subject for Middle School: Martin Luther King

Martin Luther King, Jr. was one of the most influential and iconic figures of the 20th century. A Baptist minister and civil rights activist, he is best known for his role in the African-American Civil Rights Movement. His "I Have a Dream" speech, given at the March on Washington in...

Neighborhood Monthly Meeting

A community of neighbors... how to say it... is complicated to manage. Neighbors are the people you spend the most time with indirectly: in the elevator, at the entrance or probably in the same supermarket. And how do you successfully manage a community of neighbors? With patience and effort and...

Asian Landscapes Printable Deck of Playing Cards

If you thought poker night couldn't get any more exotic, then think again! With these printable poker playing cards featuring stunning Asian landscapes, you and your friends will be visiting far off wonders without leaving the comfort of your own home. So, pack your bags and get ready for an...

Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever

Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (RMSF) is spread by the bite of infected ticks and can result in serious illness and even death. Symptoms of RMSF include headaches, fever, rashes, abdominal pain, and vomiting - making it pretty unpleasant! However It's actually pretty easy to prevent it. Let people know everything...

Scandinavian Interior Design IG Post

The Swedes are famous for many things: for having won Eurovision six times, for their traditional Midsommar that derives in breathtaking movies and for their renowned furniture store. If you are also inspired by interior design and want to be like the Swedes (in terms of furniture, winning Eurovision is...

Writing Activities for Middle School to Celebrate Handwriting Day

Ah, handwriting day -- when the joys of using pens and paper come alive! Though it almost feels like an archaic concept in these days filled with emails, text messages, and other digital communications, writing by hand can do wonders for your creativity. And what better way to celebrate this...

Writing Activities for High School to Celebrate Handwriting Day

With technology and digital forms of communication finally becoming the standard, it may seem like handwriting is a skill that's become a relic, only preserved in our grandparents' generation. But never fear, because Handwriting Day is here! Yes, it's a whole day dedicated to remembering the importance of having good...

E-Wheelchairs Supplier Company Profile

Introducing your company doesn't have to be boring! We believe your e-wheelchairs supplier company should be represented in a professional and creative way. With our customized template design for your e-wheelchairs supplier company, you can impress your partners and show off the unique qualities of your business. Let us bring...

Muslim Culture for Pre-K Infographics

An infographic gives the perfect touch of understanding to any topic. For example, if you want to talk to young children about Muslim culture, these infographics will help you convey the message clearly and visually. They are the perfect complement to our "Muslim Culture for Pre-K" template because they match...

US Handwriting Day Minitheme

There’s no such thing as bad handwriting! Any one of them has personality and it’s beautiful how different they can be from each other. Want to share the handwriting love? Spread the word about handwriting day using our template as inspiration! The design is minimalist and cute, so your presentation...

Premium subscription Premium template

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Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS) Breakthrough

Have you ever heard of Restless Legs Syndrome? RLS causes an uncontrollable urge to move your legs, often described as an itching, tingling, or crawling feeling. Fortunately, you've made a breakthrough in the RLS field that could really help people out. With a modern, eye-catching professional template, you can showcase...

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Local Fashion Store Marketing Plan

Are you ready to give your fashion store a modern makeover? This template has everything you need to create a minimalist, yet cute marketing plan for your local fashion store. Check out the cute design and disposition, ready for you to quickly craft an eye-catching presentation that’s sure to impress....