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The latest Google Slides themes and PowerPoint templates - Page 1310

Download our cool PowerPoint templates and Google Slides themes to create attractive designs for your presentations. Make the most of the beautiful backgrounds and take advantage of the easy-to-edit resources included.


Practical Life Subject for Pre-K: Sweep & Mop

Keeping your surroundings clean is a very important task that some kids don’t usually feel like doing. But those are tales from the past, with this funny template full of illustrations, you can turn a chore into a game! Explain them what mopping hockey is, how they can build their...

Science Subject for Elementary - 3rd Grade: Process Skills

Scientists are born... and made, as they need a series of skills to do their job to their best. Have you ever heard of science process skills? These are a great resource: you need to observe, analyze, question, hypothesize... If you want to foster these skills among your elementary school...

Generations Infographics

Which generation do I belong to, am I a millennial or part of generation Z? The unknowns are over! The Slidesgo team has designed a set of super interesting and useful infographics to talk about generations. You will be able to tell your audience about the range of years covered...

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Yom Kippur: Day of Atonement

For the Jewish religion, the holiest day of the year is Yom Kippur, also known as the Day of Atonement. This day is especially dedicated to forgiveness and repentance. For Jews, it is the day on which the ten days of repentance culminate. This year, this religious celebration will take...

Learn from Home Infographics

As a teacher, you already know that having visual content in your presentations is the key to a happy class! Have you used our template “Learn from home”? If you have liked it, you will like this set of infographics. They’re in the same style as the presentation and can...

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Western Cowboys Lifestyle for Social Media

Riding your horse, towards the horizon, looking for the next town to stop and spend some time in the saloon... That's the way of life of cowboys from the Old West! Do you want to use this theme for your next presentation? Then download this template and start customizing it!...

We Are Back to School!

In some countries, students are already preparing for going back to school. Well, there's still time left, but the sooner your prepare, the better! You can use this multi-purpose presentation to give some information about your school center and what kids will encounter when they start their classes. We've opted...

Nice Interface - Health Center

New treatments, teams of doctors, patient satisfaction, locations, statistics… that’s the information your future clients or investors need! With this template made specifically for healthcare centers, you can give all that information and more in an easy and clear way. The design looks like a computer interface and has lots...

Branding Infographics

The brand of a company goes beyond a simple name. The brand is the sign of identity, what makes you special and differentiates you from other companies. Branding is the marketing technique that builds this brand, defines it and establishes all the necessary planning for the marketing of the company's...

Ancient Greek Gods Infographics

The Ancient Greek mythology is very rich, with tales narrating the adventures of heroes, wars and, of course, gods! Let's go to the Mount Olympus of presentations and visit these gods by using this template full of infographics about them. Do you prefer to talk about Zeus? Or perhaps Athena?...

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World Democracy Day

The 15th of September is the International Day of Democracy, a day dedicated to the free flow of information and the participation of the people in decision-making. The awareness of democracy’s importance has become even more vital during the pandemic, since lots of fake news and increased online surveillance have...

Pretty Agency

Cute stickers, a creative design and lots of business resources? This template has it all! Take a seat and start preparing for the amazing experience editing this design is going to be: it’s 100% customizable and will captivate the attention of anyone who sees it. Using such a modern and...

Magical Realism Thesis

Magical realism is a literary trend that seeks to express the unreal as if it were commonplace. Normalize what for some may be just a fantasy. But for fantasies... this Google Slides and PowerPoint template - use this presentation for your thesis defense and everyone will be amazed! The slides...

Mental Health: Cartoon Style

Talking about mental health can be suitable, for example, in medical conferences or when visiting a school and teaching kids about bullying and its effects. We've decided to create a template about this matter, but with a more cartoonish style so it looks less serious and rigid. In fact, you'll...

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School of Witchcraft and Wizardry Minitheme

Has your Witchcraft and Wizardry school been sending letter invitations for years? It’s time to reinvent yourself and open your doors to the era of technology! In Slidesgo we want to be a helping hand, so we have designed this template specially for this purpose. It has lots of magical...

Software Solutions for the Increased Energy Efficiency

Energy efficiency is on the radar lately, so a lot of research is being dedicated to this matter. Do you have your own software solutions and want to present them? Use this pitch deck template and convey exactly what you want! We've used a geometric design to play a bit...

Science Subject for Middle School - 6th Grade: Chemistry

When you want your drink to be colder, you use solid water, and when you're thirsty, you have a glass of liquid ice. We're talking about states of matter (excuse the funny puns)! If you are a chemistry teacher in middle school, try using our template to liven up your...

European Heritage Days

50 states sharing a common heritage and offering opportunities to the general public to visit monuments. It's the European Heritage Days, a series of events that you can talk about in this new template! You'll be surprised at the amount of buildings and monuments represented in the backgrounds of these...