7 tips to create a positive classroom culture

7 tips to create a positive classroom culture | Quick Tips & Tutorial for your presentations

No matter if it's been ages since you last stepped into a classroom or just a long time ago―there’s probably a particular learning experience you often find yourself thinking about. Maybe it was a passionate teacher who kept the whole class engaged, or perhaps a classmate who lent you a hand with a tricky topic. 

Positive classroom experiences do leave a lasting mark on us, so it makes perfect sense that people leading a classroom aim to create the finest possible learning setting. In this article, we’ll share some tips to help you turn a regular classroom into a positive space.

What is a positive classroom culture?

Creating a positive classroom culture means building a space where everyone feels appreciated, welcomed, and like they truly belong. The main goal of this approach is to boost learning by embracing empathy, sparking creativity, and encouraging teamwork.

How to create a positive classroom culture?

Deciding to enhance your classroom’s atmosphere is half of the battle. To truly generate a positive culture, you need to address the main challenges that stand between a typical classroom and one that radiates positivity.

1: Prepare the classroom

Right from the start, it’s key to make sure the classroom feels they’re part of an open and friendly environment. Communicating the nature of the classroom dynamic can help students get on board with this perspective much quicker. You can share these guidelines orally, but we also recommend sharing them in writing or through visuals for extra clarity.

This image shows a group of children doing a body mobility activity
2: Create creative experiences

Teaching the same thing can always have a fresh twist. Why not arrange a trivia game to teach literature? Or visit a supermarket to learn about economics? Maybe you can ask your class to create a comic around a historic event. Learning something new should be a fascinating and creative process, so don’t be afraid to try something new.

This image shows a row of tables in a classroom with children drawing

3: Develop a culture based on thinking

We all remember late-night study sessions, trying to memorize a bunch of concepts, only to have them vanish right after the exam. Sure, memorization has its place for certain topics, but most subjects can benefit from encouraging critical thinking over mindless repetition. Rather than memorizing dates and names from historical events, for example, it might be better to ask your students about the motivations of the parties involved and their views on the outcomes of their decisions.

This image shows a teacher and some students reviewing a work.

4: Learn together

They say traveling on your own gets you there quicker, but traveling with someone else gets you further. The same can be said about the classroom, where multiple perspectives can enrich the learning process. As a teacher, try to boost participation from everyone in the class and establish collaboration opportunities whenever you get the chance.

This image shows a group of happy children in a classroom

5: Rewards in the classroom

Healthy competition is a good way to keep the classroom engaged. Setting up a reward system for those who dive into participation, show initiative, or perform well is a great way to keep everyone motivated.

This is an image of some children with wood toys

6: Prepare fun classes

As we’ve mentioned before, a fun class is more likely to be remembered than a dull one. Luckily, any subject has the potential to be fun. History can come alive through storytelling, math can turn into a thrilling competition with long-division challenges, and literature gets a fresh twist by reinterpreting classics. Even simpler actions, such as the template you use for your online classroom, can go a long way in making your class a lot more enjoyable and unforgettable.

This image shows a teacher surrounded by happy students

7: Build positive relationships between students

Belonging to a class where support is mutual, and every opinion is respected, is a fertile ground for good learning. Make room for as many collaborative opportunities as you can, and see how students become more cooperative and trusting with one another.

This is an image of an early childhood education classroom


Promoting a positive classroom culture benefits not just the students, but also the teacher. Walking into a classroom where students are comfortable being themselves is like stepping into a stimulating environment where teachers can develop a new set of skills of their own.

If you feel a bit overwhelmed about this approach, Slidego’s Education Community can be a fantastic way to connect with other educators and exchange tips to foster a positive classroom culture.

At first glance, it might look like a bit more effort compared to traditional methods. Yet, remember that it’s all about facilitating a student to learn something new. The better a student feels in a classroom, the more likely it’ll happen.

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