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Apresentação Folheto do programa de defesa da tese com linhas abstratas

Tema para Google Slides e modelo de PowerPoint premium

The defense of your thesis is a very important step in your professional career, arguably the most important. You already have the first part of the process: having your thesis done. Now, the next step is to stand out in the defense and surprise the jury with your work. A good idea to distinguish yourself from the others would be to give the jury an informative brochure as a summary of your thesis. This way, they will be able to follow the presentation without any problem and it will be a detail that they will value very positively. For this reason, the Slidesgo team has created this abstract and geometric style brochure. Download the template, adapt your content, and print it out - everything is ready!

Destaques deste modelo

  • 100% editável e fácil de modificar
  • 6 slides diferentes para impressionar seu público
  • Disponível em várias cores distintas
  • Contém gráficos, mapas e mockups fáceis de editar
  • Inclui mais de 500 ícones e a extensão da Flaticon para personalizar seus slides
  • Projetado para ser usado em Apresentações Google e no Microsoft PowerPoint
  • Formato A4 otimizado para impressão
  • Inclui informações sobre fontes, cores e créditos dos recursos gratuitos e premium usados

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